Keep in mind that this review article does not differentiate between Ejaculation and Orgasm. Some of the proposed drugs stimulate Ejaculation, not Orgasm: ephedra extracts/teas, ephedrine, pseudo-ephedrine. They can cause premature ejaculation without pleasure (orgasm) because they contract some sphincter muscle in the urethra (hence the urinary retention, you may not be able to pee at high doses), which makes ejaculation easier but do not affect the orgasmic nervious circuit - my personal experience with them.
The medical studies in that area are contradictory and pathetic and there is no tested and proven solution like viagra for erectile disfunction. One has to experiment for themselves and all proposed treatments either may not work or work but with unpleasant side effects.
The medical studies in that area are contradictory and pathetic and there is no tested and proven solution like viagra for erectile disfunction. One has to experiment for themselves and all proposed treatments either may not work or work but with unpleasant side effects.
The drug treatment of delayed ejaculation - PMC
Delayed ejaculation (DE) is an uncommon and a challenging disorder to treat. It is often quite concerning to patients and it can affect psychosocial well-being. Here we reviewed how DE is treated pharmacologically .We also highlighted specific ...

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