Dr. Scally's most current Restart Protocol?

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Hey guys,

Is this Dr. Scallys most current Restart Protocol?:

Phase 1:
HCG 2500iu EOD for 16 days

Phase 2:
Clomid 50mg twice daily for 30 days
Tamoxifen 20mg daily for 30 days

Phase 3:
Tamoxifen 20mg daily for 15 more days
This was his old one but I will ask him if he has reduced hCG or clomiphene doses.

How to Stop Testosterone Safely and Possibly Reset Your Hormonal Axis

The protocol for HPTA normalization contains (edited on Dec 2017):

First 15 days:

HCG 1,000-2,000 IU (subcutaneous) every 3 days;
Clomiphene citrate 25-50 mg orally once a day; and
Tamoxifen 20 mg orally once a day.

A satisfactory testosterone level on day 15, typically 350 ng/mL or greater, is followed by the oral medications (no HCG) for an additional 15 days (25 mg per day clomiphene would be sufficient in most cases).

This protocol has not been tested in many patients but has shown good results in restoring HPTA in a month. I know that this sounds like a long time but without treatment, the body's restoration process would take about the same length of time that somebody was using androgens. In some, HPGA function and testosterone production never returns to normal.
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Would that still work for someone who's been on TRT for 5 years without HCG ?

There are too many factors to consider before that question can be answered. Is your hypogonadism primary or secondary? How old are you? What is your general health like? What were your hormone when you started TRT? Have you added HCG to the protocol? How experienced is your current doctor in directing restarts?
There are too many factors to consider before that question can be answered. Is your hypogonadism primary or secondary? How old are you? What is your general health like? What were your hormone when you started TRT? Have you added HCG to the protocol? How experienced is your current doctor in directing restarts?

Started juicing at 20... for years. Yea i know i was young and stupid. I was healthy, didn't have hormonal problems at all, never done blood work until the last year. Im doing trt on my own and im doing fine. Never hcg, but I'm thinking of coming off for good but only if i can recover 100% and be what i would have been at my age if i didn't touch roids
Would that still work for someone who's been on TRT for 5 years without HCG ?

I think you're past the point of no-return, that's a long time. Are your nuts shrunken and/or shriveled in any way? Would be interesting to see what you could do there with HCG, if anything. We typically call that organ failure for a reason as the atrophy kills the testes.
I think you're past the point of no-return, that's a long time. Are your nuts shrunken and/or shriveled in any way? Would be interesting to see what you could do there with HCG, if anything. We typically call that organ failure for a reason as the atrophy kills the testes.

My ballz are gone! Tiny and useless

I have heard of bodybuilders coming off to knock up their wives successfully but they usually go through hell and go back on once they do
I have read of very long PCT protocols using HMG instead of HCG among other things that were successful but I have no personal experience.
Started juicing at 20... for years. Yea i know i was young and stupid. I was healthy, didn't have hormonal problems at all, never done blood work until the last year. Im doing trt on my own and im doing fine. Never hcg, but I'm thinking of coming off for good but only if i can recover 100% and be what i would have been at my age if i didn't touch roids

With your history, it would be a terrific challenge. Your first step is finding a doctor with a lot of experience in directing restarts.
I wouldn't dismiss it.
I have seen others like you restart to a decent level but still in the low t range. But they did wake up their testes with Hcg and then kept going with Hcg and trt.
Hcg for some is critical!
I'm one of them.
I won't ever do trt without it. Huge difference.
It wouldn't hurt to try Eli. I've been following restarts for a while now and as a NP doctorate student I find them fascinating for research . A while ago, I was reading about a guy who was on TRT for 10 years restarted. The body is pretty amazing at homeostasis. It will be more prolonged without HCG use. The signal to produce testosterone is quick, but the leydig cells starting up again is what takes a while. That is one of the reasons I run hcg in case I ever want to restart.
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Good post vitamin C. Very true the body is pretty amazing at homeostasis. I don't see an age, but Eli may bonny be 25 years old. He said he started taking 'roids' at 20, not 10 years ago. As Coastwatcher said, so many things to consider. I've had my share of challenges with TRT but I've been extremely fortunate not to have testicular shrinkage despite the fact I've never used HCG.
The first 14 days, Is this after the 14 day washout or starting immediately after the last injection?
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