Thanks Nelson,
Sorry I should have stated what my platelets were(Plat=192, 150-400). This is my situation, if I cut myself shaving I have a heck of a time stopping the bleeding. I sense from reading what Dr. Crisler says (perhaps via Rouzier) is that platelets was their concern and they are differentiating between polycemia and ethrotosis. So regardless of polycemia or ethrotosis if our hemotacrit is high we should donate blood is what we are saying here? I did donate blood a few times because of this concern and before the donation (my HCT was 53 and my hemoglobin was above range as well) my heartbeat was 103 and after donation it was 80. My BP was a little high before donation and roughly the same afterwards. Since then I reduced my TRT from 55mg E3D to 45 E3D while keeping my HCG the same at 500iu E3D. This allowed me to reduce my AI a little. I'm going in next week for bloods to see how it's all worked out. Not sure why I bleed so easily or do not clot fast enough. I never had that problem before trt. However I do take low dose naltrexone 4.5mg daily, but from what I've read I'm not sure that contributes to this problem.