Don't know where else to turn

It wouldn't be that much of a difference would it? I mean before I injected 1 ml, now I'm injecting 0.5 ml, so I would inject 0.75 to get 150mg? Seems immaterial
It would be an improvement, but injecting 100 mg only once a week will still yield supraphysiological testosterone after injections, with a peak potentially around 1,500 ng/dL. At least consider going to twice-weekly injections of 50 mg. Then the variation in serum testosterone is probably less than a third of the peaks. This should help with the side effects, and your average testosterone is likely still going to be around 1,000 ng/dL, much greater than what's seen in most natural men.
I haven't "felt" different yet at all. Wife and I make love every day and things work fine. It's these changes in my numbers that have me worrying. CKD, prostate, high hematacrit, I have an implant....just seems like my life is destined to rid me of sex for good. The one thing in the world I love of course.

Feel for you, I went through a PSA scare as well and know the difficulties of navigating the world of prostate care. If you are not already, I encourage you to hook up with the inspire prostate cancer forum. Even if you don't have prostate cancer (I don't), it is a great resource to know your actual options rather than just what your doctor has to say. I fired two local uros and traveled to Houston for care from a niche specialist for my particular problem, It was totally worth it. I would not have known this option if not a member of that forum.
I have been following Nelson and Excelmale for many years and purchased his book about Testosterone a few years back. I really don't know who else to ask about this. I have been on test cyp 200mg/ml doing a once a week 1 ml deep thigh injection for about 8 years. I used to test out around 1100 ml/dl, but it has slowly gone down to around 600 on test day.My PSA has been creeping up and a %free test says I could have prostate cancer at 56% chance being 60 years old. All of a sudden a couple of weeks ago my blood test showed me at 970 ml/dl and a week ago showed 1171 on my lowest point of the week right before injection. Do you have ANY idea what could be going on with my body? Do you think my T is floating around in my bloodstream not being used up? I forgot to mention my hematacrit has been FLYING to the high side. I just donated blood a couple of weeks ago and I was at 58 already so I have to do 2 therapeutic phlebotomies over the next 2 weeks. Thank you. Larry

Your in the right place brother.

I don't know the answer to your situation specifically, but lots of very knowledgeable people on excelmale.


Kind regards,

It is 5 mg after the ester is cleaved, equivalent to about 7 mg of T cypionate, but actually taken as a blend of propionate and enanthate injected daily.
Thanks for your reply. So how many mg of the entire substance are you injecting each day? I'm just trying learn. Always looking for ways to potentially improve how I am doing on TRT.
Thanks for your reply. So how many mg of the entire substance are you injecting each day? I'm just trying learn. Always looking for ways to potentially improve how I am doing on TRT.
The daily injection works out to about 6.5 mg of testosterone esters in 0.04 mL of oil. The breakdown is 3.7 mg T enanthate and 2.8 mg T propionate, a 4:3 ratio. By previously measuring how the two esters work alone I can predict that this combination gives a diurnal variation in serum testosterone of about +/-25% about the mean. This is intended to mimic what's seen naturally.
The daily injection works out to about 6.5 mg of testosterone esters in 0.04 mL of oil. The breakdown is 3.7 mg T enanthate and 2.8 mg T propionate, a 4:3 ratio. By previously measuring how the two esters work alone I can predict that this combination gives a diurnal variation in serum testosterone of about +/-25% about the mean. This is intended to mimic what's seen naturally.
Ok. Thanks for the info. You've definitely done your research. Do you inject AM or PM, IM or Sub q?
Ok. Thanks for the info. You've definitely done your research. Do you inject AM or PM, IM or Sub q?
AM, subQ. This allows for a gradual decline in serum testosterone during the day, as is seen naturally. The technique does not reproduce the gradual natural rise in testosterone seen in the early morning hours. Instead the rise to peak levels is pretty abrupt after the injection, driven by the propionate.
I stand by it. 150 mg cypionate per week is 15 mg pure testosterone per day, around 2.5 times what the average man makes naturally. How can you justify it based on his numbers? Even 100 mg is on the high side, but can be justified if it's needed to keep peak testosterone above average, depending also on SHBG and free T. I'm down to 5 mg pure T per day and it's the best I've felt in 5+ years of TRT, and I still have above-average numbers. If the only goal is big muscles then the high doses will help you get there. But if you care about your overall health then you'll consider what is most natural and appropriate for your body.
Agreed. I’m on 60mg twice per week (120mg per week) and my TT is 916. High doses are not need most of the time unless you’re trying to bulk up. I’m not. Keep in mind that number also includes lots of unhealthy eating and drinking. I’m 59 and I can “go” twice a day at least a couple times a week, or at least 5 single times per week without a high dose.
Agreed. I’m on 60mg twice per week (120mg per week) and my TT is 916. High doses are not need most of the time unless you’re trying to bulk up. I’m not. Keep in mind that number also includes lots of unhealthy eating and drinking. I’m 59 and I can “go” twice a day at least a couple times a week, or at least 5 single times per week without a high dose.
What's interesting is that if your TT figure of 916 ng/dL is a trough value then you could probably take 40% less testosterone and still have above-average numbers. Dropping from 12 mg T per day to 7 mg would then put you in the range of normal endogenous production, 3-9 mg per day.
The doc is forcing me to cut my dosing in half. I'm concerned about my feeling doing this but not much I can do about it.
You will feel like hell as your body adjusts to the new dose, but you will remain healthier in the long run.

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