Does Your Libido Change with the Seasons?


New Member
It has been shown that the changing of the seasons has a direct affect on a man's libido. During the summer, life is good. The weather is beautiful, there are a lot more enjoyable activities for one to do with friends and family that tend to get you out of the confines of your house, and the average person is generally more active in their normal daily life. Personally, I get more exercise and eat healthier during the summer months. I start to become more conscience of my body with the knowledge that at anytime, the public might have a close up view of 75% of my skin. While during the winter months I tend to satisfy my sweet tooth on more regular basis. I might skip a few days here and there at the gym because I don't feel like traveling so much during inclement weather. Living in the Northern Hemisphere can gift you with obscene amounts of snow, wind, rain, and sleet. For these reasons it seems logical to think that the average man's libido would be more active during the summer months and crawling during the cold, miserable winter months. Surprisingly, that logical thought process is incorrect.

It has been shown that there are seasonal cycles, with men in particular, that indicate higher levels of testosterone are produced in November, and lower levels are produced in April. The average person notices some type of psychological change while seasons fluctuate, which has noticeable implications for their sexual and romantic life. A Study has shown that mens' attraction to women's bodies and breasts increase during winter months. It showed that men had become more attracted to their partner during winter months than they are during summer months. One possible reason for this has to do with the types of clothing women generally wear during each season. During summer it is fairly come to see a woman dressed in a bikini at the beach. Women tend to wear less clothing out in public to combat the heat. Since it becomes such a common occurrence to see skin, it takes a lot more for a man to notice a woman sexually. In the winter, skin is rarely seen. Womens' bodies become more arousing to look at. Women covering up with winter hats, snow boots, and large winter jackets leaves a whole lot up to the imagination. Looking at this for months and months has a great impact once in the privacy of the bedroom. Skin is shown, and it tends to be a lot more arousing.

It has also been shown that birth rates tend to peak in the third quarter of the year. This would prove that conception is more likely to occur during the winter. Linked to that, sexually transmitted diseases usually peak during the first few months of the year when it is coldest. This shows that there is an increase in sexual activity during the winter. The warm months can be more stressful to the average man. There are many more things going on, and high heat can turn the easiest and most stress-free task into one that is irritating. As your stress levels rise, your testosterone level can take a dive.

Alcohol consumption, smoking, and drug use all increase during the summer. All of these can affect your body negatively. They can lower hormone levels, affect the biochemistry in the brain, and they can affect stress levels. For instance, people that consume too much alcohol can become more irritable and angry, and in some cases violent. So even though you may feel as though you are happier and more active during the summer, your libido is a lot less active. The winter months are more kind to your libido. Increased testosterone, decreased stress, a decrease in the amount of skin shown on the average day, and the decrease of mind-altering substance use all contribute to a healthy and increased libido.
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Thanks for this thread! Here is just my opinion about this topic.

During the summer, life is good. The weather is beautiful, there are a lot more enjoyable activities for one to do with friends and family that tend to get you out of the confines of your house, and the average person is generally more active in their normal daily life.
Sun => Vitamin D(3) which can have a huge effect on how somebody is feeling/doing. In the winter, a lot of people don't have enough of it. So many doctors tread their patient with Vit D Supplements. I say that, because I have met many doctors who suggest to keep the D-Level in good range or better in the upper range.
A Study has shown that mens' attraction to women's bodies and breasts increase during winter months. It showed that men had become more attracted to their partner during winter months than they are during summer months.
What kind of study was that and where do I find it? Dr. Saya remembered me yesterday again to the fact, that a lot of studies are just a joke. So I would like to check this scientific study since I don't believe too much about the things this special study tells us.

Women covering up with winter hats, snow boots, and large winter jackets leaves a whole lot up to the imagination. Looking at this for months and months has a great impact once in the privacy of the bedroom. Skin is shown, and it tends to be a lot more arousing.
IF this would be the truth, then there should be a big differene between cold and warm countries. There are just too many factors I believe. Ceteris Paribus (holding all the other variables constant) isn't possible, so I don't think this is a good study.

It has also been shown that birth rates tend to peak in the third quarter of the year. This would prove that conception is more likely to occur during the winter.
Which countries were included since this must be a certain area and can't be world wide. If it would be world wide, then your last sentence isn't valid.

Linked to that, sexually transmitted diseases usually peak during the first few months of the year when it is coldest. This shows that there is an increase in sexual activity during the winter.
The reason with the clothes doesn't make for me too much sense. I rather could imagine that people don't go out as often in the winter because of the bad weather. When People don't go out so ofter, what will they do? Many of them (including me) would **** more. (That's just one of many theories)

The warm months can be more stressful to the average man. There are many more things going on, and high heat can turn the easiest and most stress-free task into one that is irritating. As your stress levels rise, your testosterone level can take a dive.
I don't believe that people have way more stress in the summer because of the hot weather. As example... Dubai can be really hot in the summer, but people just don't spend too much time outside. They are staying a lot inside. I say that because I have been there and I know some people who live there.

The winter months are more kind to your libido.
Everyone is different and individuell. This doesn't apply for me in the past I believe. But that's just speculation from y side. In winter I use to be busy and in summer I would go out more often, do more holidays and spend more time with my girl or meeting girls... But that's just me.
All in all one could just say that libidio is tied tightly to if you are or aren't in a good mood. Many things you wrote simply put someone in a good mood so "activating"'libido is just that much easier.
Sorry for not citing my references. I was being blocked from doing so due my low post quantity.

lehmiller dot com/blog/2013/10/21/mens-pattern-of-sexual-attraction-changes-with-the-seasons


medicinenet dot com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=53725

One of the main points that I was trying to make was that your body naturally increases testosterone production during the winter and it produces less during the summer. This can have such a large affect on one's libido. I was under the impression that it was reversed. One study also concluded that people have more sex during the winter due to a high number of STI contracted in the winter and the high birth rate during the third quarter of the year. Thanks.

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Tha's really counter-intuitive. I would of expected the higher Vit D intake in summer would of meant higher T levels then. Good to know, thanks for the info and the references.
I can't say if my testosterone is higher or lower in the summer, but my libido always feels higher in the summer. Interesting read thought. Thanks for posting.

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