A few studies out there that seem to indicate that in addition to eliminating some estrogen metabolites, DIM can work similarly with testosterone. Research has classified it as a general ‘hormonal disrupter.’ Additionally, they affect (downwardly) androgen receptors. The studies performed examined prostate androgen receptors specifically, and in the conext of the study, this was good news as it theoretically would slow tumor growth. Is it logical to assume, as I have, that this would extend to all androgen receptors? I have to say, I took a DIM supplement for awhile at Defy Medical’s suggestion, and like others have here, I felt pretty darn good on it with increased libido and no negative sides. But have ceased the supplement until I can learn more - based on its properties, It appears to me that it affects not just estrogen symptoms but also potentially testosterone, and could really impact the benefits of strength training due to its impact an androgen receptors. Just can’t find any real thorough studies, papers, etc. in this regard. Studies are typically carried out in the context of cancer-fighting. Thank you in advance for any feedback. Here are the studies I have looked at...
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