DMSO Protocol for Test Gel


New Member
Hi, I’m looking for advice on how to dose my test gel while using DMSO topically to increase absorption. I’m on a 1.62% gel that amounts to 16.1 mg a day or 113 mg of test a week.

In theory if I use DMSO to help absorption I can cut down my daily dose of gel as I understand, as you apparently get 99% absorption into the blood when you apply DMSO to the area directly afterward.

At the moment I’m applying my gel to my traps, shoulders and tops of my feet and tend to experiment with these sites while doing blood work regularly.

Any advice from pro-DMSO members with experience is welcome, thank you :)
Not sure about the dmso but just regular moisturizer applied an hour after application is supposed to make a substantial difference. I started on 1.62 and liked it. Had to stop due to insurance coverage but have contemplated trying it again since it’s covered now. How are you feeling on it so far?
Not sure about the dmso but just regular moisturizer applied an hour after application is supposed to make a substantial difference. I started on 1.62 and liked it. Had to stop due to insurance coverage but have contemplated trying it again since it’s covered now. How are you feeling on it so far?

Hi, I have been experimenting with a daily moisturizer that has some SPF 15 in it. Can you apply the moisturizer like 20-30 mins after the test gel once its completely dry or do you have to wait the fully hour. Another member posed this question a while back but there wasn't a clear answer.
Not sure about the dmso but just regular moisturizer applied an hour after application is supposed to make a substantial difference. I started on 1.62 and liked it. Had to stop due to insurance coverage but have contemplated trying it again since it’s covered now. How are you feeling on it so far?

When I started in Feb my blood work was really good a month later, but since then my SHBG levels have climbed and my free test levels have come down. I managed my E2 levels with Arimidex half a tab twice a week. I am looking to get more of the test gel into my blood and hopefully get my free test levels up. I also take 44mg zince, 100IU Vit D3 and 450mg Magensium per day and cycle 12 mg Boron per day 7 days on 7 days off. Since taking the vitamins I saw a moderate increase in free test but not much.

Can't say I feel fantastic or any different, but my belly fat has shredded in the 7 months I have been on test gel.
I don’t think it’s really all that important to wait a full hour honestly I would say 15 or 20 minutes to be sufficient because 1.62 dries pretty much immediately. What are your testosterone levels after being on for a month if you don’t mind me asking?
I don’t think it’s really all that important to wait a full hour honestly I would say 15 or 20 minutes to be sufficient because 1.62 dries pretty much immediately. What are your testosterone levels after being on for a month if you don’t mind me asking?
02 May 2019
Total Testosterone – 25.4 nmol/L (range 8-30)
Free Testosterone – 403 pmol/L (range 180-739)
SHBG – 55.6 nmol/L (range 18.3-54.1)
17 July 2019
Estradiol (E2) – 57 pmol/L
Total Testosterone – 20.1 nmol/L range 8-30)
Free Testosterone – 296 pmol/L (range 180-739)
SHBG – 57.7 nmol/L (range 18.3-54.1)
12 August 2019
Estradiol (E2) – 81 pmol/L
Total Testosterone – 23.5 nmol/L range 8-30)
Free Testosterone – 325 pmol/L (range 180-739)
SHBG – 64.8 nmol/L (range 18.3-54.1)

From the results my SHBG levels have climbed and I'm using Zinc and Vit D3 to try and bring it down. The supplements helped get my free test up marginally as you can see form the 12 Aug results.
You can't take anything to manipulate your SHBG contrary to some beliefs, you have to play it where it lies.

Your Jul and Aug labs are notably pretty stable and I doubt the small up or down changes the landscape for you.

In those labs are you applying and testing at the same intervals? I.e.., apply @ 6AM and blood draw @ 9AM...that sort of thing.
Crisler recommended moisturizer at 12hrs if I remember correctly. Some gels have conditioners in them to help absorption. This is why you should apply it to the same location daily. Fortesta is hot as is and will cause chemical burns if you don't spread it enough. I don't think you would want to add anything to make it hotter. After you get burns your levels may fall. My levels dropped half when I got burns from gel. If it lays wet very long you have not spread it out enough. I don't think this happens with androgel because it dries faster.
You can't take anything to manipulate your SHBG contrary to some beliefs, you have to play it where it lies.

Your Jul and Aug labs are notably pretty stable and I doubt the small up or down changes the landscape for you.

In those labs are you applying and testing at the same intervals? I.e.., apply @ 6AM and blood draw @ 9AM...that sort of thing.
Have you had any luck yourself with bringing SHBG down? I am supplementing Magnesium, Zinc, Boron and Vit D3. Will do bloods again in a month or so and will report back if my levels have come down.
SHBG may decrease with diabetes. If you don't want diabetes you can just increase your T dose to increase your free T. Most would desire elevated SHBG over low. If you want lower SHBG you will probably have more luck changing your diet. You may look into your GH levels as GH may have influence on SHBG. If your taking Thyroid meds they can increase SHBG.
This guy says he uses ostarine in his clients to lower SHBG, or at least overcome Clomid's ability to raise it. It might be worth trying.
You can overcome the clomid elevation of shbg with some mg of ostarine, with an anabolic selective bonus effect, and no inhibition of htpa.
I often do this with my natty clients with fairly good results.
Ostarine...that's a pretty grey/black market sort of thing, and I won't knock it per se, but knowing that is very important when recommending a guy try it, for any reason.
This guy says he uses ostarine in his clients to lower SHBG, or at least overcome Clomid's ability to raise it. It might be worth trying.
Noted there and I replied to that post that the person offers no clinical evidence of anything he says. To not even put a number next to what he purports to know when he's speaking from a clinicians stand point should be very very suspect to any one that reads it.
Noted there and I replied to that post that the person offers no clinical evidence of anything he says. To not even put a number next to what he purports to know when he's speaking from a clinicians stand point should be very very suspect to any one that reads it. suggest that I stay away from experimenting with Ostarine? I don't see it as a viable long term solution anyway, would be nervous of that.
I ran 6 weeks of it and whether it was real, bunk, or anything else all it did for me was to lighten my wallet so that's just my gut reaction to Ostarine when it's mentioned but my point stands about the other person having made that post.
You can't take anything to manipulate your SHBG contrary to some beliefs, you have to play it where it lies.

Your Jul and Aug labs are notably pretty stable and I doubt the small up or down changes the landscape for you.

In those labs are you applying and testing at the same intervals? I.e.., apply @ 6AM and blood draw @ 9AM...that sort of thing.

Isn't your thinking that you can't take anything to manipulate shbg also a belief?

Consider this.

1) We don't often measure SHBG, so we don't know how often it changes.

2) Free testosterone reflects shbg, but that test is known to be unreliable. So changes in free T could reflect changes in shbg or just test variations.

3) Shbg seems to change very slowly, taking months to change.

4) It's proven that various drugs can raise SHBG, a few will lower SHBG.

5) Insulin has an inhibitory effect on the SHBG production in the liver.

My shbg seems to be pretty stable for 5 years at 35-42, but when I started taking LEF ultra prostate supplement, after 4 months my SHBG had rose to 66.2, I stopped taking the prostate supplement, a month later my SHBG continued to rise to 73.6 (which really surprised me). But 4 months later SHBG dropped to 57.2. So it seems some herb in the supplement caused my SHBG to rise, but both the rise and fall were pretty slow.

I am sure a confounding fact will be what are your levels of other hormones/minerals? I supplement with boron, magnesium, B vitamins and my Vit D level was tested at 90.6. I am sure a person that is low on these items will react differently to the same batch of herbs that a person with high levels.

With all these moving parts, it becomes nearly impossible to determine how an individual will react to various supplement/drugs.

I haven't used any supplements to lower my SHBG, so I have no experience with that.
Actually it's not a belief, it's almost a direct quote from the late (greatest) Dr Crisler, who IMHO was the preeminent clinician in (low) SHBG, so I'll stand by that.

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