From your previous thread:
TT 716
FT 29.5
E2 29.3
I am surprised that 150mg isn't pushing me higher than 716. The only other thing going on is that I've been taking Unisom nightly because I still can't sleep. Was thinking of breaking that habit this weekend and seeing if it helps.
Short of scheduling an early consultation with Dr Saya, any suggestions I could look into now?
Pre-trt your SHBG was 40 nmol/L.....where does it sit as of bloods from protocol above?
Most will not notice a drastic drop in SHBG when using trt doses.
As an example let's say your SHBG has dropped to 35 nmol/L.
Using the newer calculated TruT method if we take your TT 716 ng/dL, SHBG 35 nmol/L, Albumin 4.3 g/dL (mean) than your FT would be 24.49 ng/dL (just above mid-range of the reference range of 16-31 ng/dL).
View attachment 8177
Most men do well having FT (trough) in the 30+ ng/dL range.
You may very well need to bump up your dose slightly in order to have a TT which would allow you to achieve a FT in the upper end/above the top end of the reference range.
A TT of 900 ng/dL would put your FT at 31.58 ng/dL (top end of the range of 16-31 ng/dL)
So you would need to get your TT to 900--->low 1000s in order to achieve a high end FT.
View attachment 8178
As you know the honeymoon period is common when first starting trt which is a period where one can experience bliss and it is short lived as the body will eventually adapt to the new T levels.
Same applies to whenever one increases T dose as it is common to experience a short term period of bliss which eventually tends to fade as once again the body adapts to the new T levels.
As long as one achieves a healthy FT along with other hormones let alone healthy thyroid/adrenals than most should experience relief/improvement of low-t symptoms......improved mood/energy/libido/erectile function/recovery from exercise/body composition changes (minor gains muscle/enhanced fat loss) when following a proper diet and training protocol
Do understand that many make the mistake of expecting that being on trt will have one feeling like superman 24/7 with a raging sex drive, rock hard erections, amazing mood, endless energy, packing on muscle and strong as the hulk in the gym when in fact trt will allow one to achieve healthy T levels which should have beneficial effects on ones mood/energy/libido/erectile function/overall well being as in feeling like a healthy functioning male.
Having healthy T levels is only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to feeling your best as not only does having a healthy functioning thyroid/adrenals play a big role but ones overall lifestyle will have a big impact!
The ones that caught up in chasing this honeymoon period feeling or the feeling they experience when T dose is increased are the ones tweaking their protocols constantly let alone too quickly only to end up on this never ending merry go round which prevents then from finding a protocol which allows them to experience the true benefits of having healthy testosterone levels.