Just curious if a dermatologist or specialist would be able to distinguish between TE/shedding versus MPB? I'm 10 weeks into TRT and have been struggling with the decision to continue as I've had mixed results. My inclination was to give a little longer and see if my condition improves, but I've recently become very concerned by some hair shedding that I've never experienced before. At 41 years old, I've had absolutely no previous signs of MPB so I wondering if the recent shedding event was caused by hormonal fluctuations. I haven't had my 3 month blood work checked yet, but I did get an E2 sensitive test and it came back at 10pg/ml so I think I went a little too heavy on the Arimidex. I believe my E2 has come back up a bit as I'm feeling better, but when it was that low, my hair was dry and brittle and I wondering if E2 or changing E2 might have been the cause of my shedding event (and hopefully it will taper off?). Any thoughts?