I've been with Helix Mobile Wellness and Research for over a year now. I feel terrific and love how they have designed my protocol.
Just to answer a few questions with the protocol I'm on:
MORE HCG: I felt much better taking HCG continuously instead of cycling. Helix offers an HCG add-on for people who want to be on it the entire time. The add-on fee is cheap (I think $10 or $15 extra monthly?). So if you're with Helix and want more HCG, just let them know (although usually the doctor brings it up if you show interest).
TESTOSTERONE/ANASTROZOLE: The testosterone/anastrozole blend has been great. I really don't notice a negative difference on it (if anything, I like it more!). My results on it have been solid. It'll come in two or three forms, all with different amounts of anastrozole. Just go over it with the Helix doctor and make sure you're getting an amount that you think is best. The anastrozole has a shorter half life than the testosterone, so most Helix doctors recommend injecting the test/anastrozole combo into a muscle (or close to one) and that usually helps absorption.
To the poster: your estrogen shot up likely because the last bottle of testosterone you received had 0.5 mg/ml of anastrozole. I would assume your next bottle will have more anastrozole (1 mg/ml rather than 0.5)? If the estrogen levels concern you, call or text their customer service. I've had a couple times that I've felt that something was overlooked, and the concern was handled quickly when I sent it to customer service. Again, if you have confusions, just call or text customer service and ask for the doctor to answer whatever is concerning.
I'm on testosterone/anastrozole, hcg continually, and they also put me on pregnanolone for low cortisol levels. I recently also did their sermorelin/ghrp-2 add-on, and I feel terrific. Taking a GHRP with Sermorelin is important in order for it actually be effective. The injection protocol (1/2" shots into the muscle or abdomen) have also been convenient and the absorpotion has been better than I thought it would be. I couldn't be happier.