This bloodwork showcases the amazing power of genetics. I have thalassemia minor, so one of my genes responsible for producing red blood cells consistently pumps out tiny blood cells. Consequently, my hemoglobin/hematocrit are naturally on the low side. I've been using high doses of testosterone for about 6 months now, and my hematocrit has not budged. It is literally the same as before I started trt. In any case, I really want some feedback on my thyroid panel. Obviously, nothing is blatantly wrong, but since reference ranges don't tell the whole story, I am looking for some commentary from those who are knowledgeable. I know a decent amount about testosterone but very little about the thyroid. Any help is much appreciated. I would imagine if there's any room for optimization, it could be easily resolved with iodine supplementation. Here is an image link since for some reason the image is tiny: