coming off clomid


New Member
hey guys. need some help here. been taking chlomid for 2 weeks now and decided to stop. today is the first day I didn't take any and im feeling really emotional tonight. when is this shit gonna go away. should I not have quit cold turkey. wth?
Most of the time we call guys that have success on Clomid "Unicorns" as that's about how rare it is. Most of those times Clomid is over dosed and causes Estrogen problems. Anything more than 12.5mg per day is typically prone to that E problem. A common dose is 25mg per day which is too much.
Vince Carter - if clomid attaches to estrogen receptors, how does high estradiol could be a problem? Is it because of zuclomihene isomer, or something else?
You wrote that the direct stimulation of the testes that clomid provides is the problem, I have no idea what does this have to do with my previous question, and why is it a problem. Stimulating testes to make more testosterone you meant? or what?
You won't be the first or the last man to have good reason to stop clomid, it's a short term solution and you must come off eventually. Tapering off clomid may have delayed the inevitable, which is you need TRT.

Clomiphene citrate elicits estrogen agonistic/antagonistic effects differentially via estrogen receptors alpha and beta. - PubMed - NCBI
Clomiphene citrate (CC) is known to possess dual actions as an estrogen agonist and an estrogen antagonist. To see how the dual actions of CC are exerted through estrogen receptor alpha (ER alpha) and/or ER beta we developed a cell-based transcription assay system in which 293T cells were transfected with the luciferase reporter plasmid with estrogen responsive element and either human ER alpha or ER beta expression plasmid. CC at lower doses (10(-10) M and 10(-12) M), but not higher doses (10(-6) M and 10(-8) M) elicited estrogenic activity via ER alpha. However, CC at concentrations between 10(-6) M and 10(-12) M did not elicit any estrogenic activity via ER beta. In the presence of 17beta-estradiol (E2), CC behaved either as an agonist or as an antagonist via ER alpha depending on the concentrations of E2, i.e., antagonistic when combined with the higher E2 concentrations, agonistic with the lower E2 concentrations. On the other hand, via ER beta, CC acted as an estrogen antagonist regardless of the concentration of E2 added together. In conclusion, CC acts as an estrogen agonist/antagonist via ER alpha in a coexisting estrogen concentration-dependent way whereas it acts as an estrogen antagonist via ER beta whether or not estrogen is present.

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