I just need a Prmary care doc first (Denver or Co Springs).
Defy doesn’t do prostate exams and other common procedures.
I am just implying that if your purpose is to try to find a Uro or Endo to work with
Defy, you may find some very strong conflicts of interest and disappointment. I would really be glad to hear to the contrary, and if there are Endos and Uros enlightened in the ways of TRT in CO to
Defy's degree, I want to know!
My PCP is a family and sports med doc. He doesn't have the expertise to manage hormones and knows it. He is always interested in me keeping him up to date on my hormone care, but has no desire to micromanage. But as stated above, the uros have wanted to interfere. I think most Uros and Endos will want you to see things their way. I like being independent of such interference.
And my PCP is fine ordering all the labs I ask for billed to my insurance as he understands
Dr Saya is out of state and I would otherwise be paying for them out of pocket. So insurance pays for all labs. As for the meds, I think it would be unreasonable on my part to ask him write scripts for hormones for another doctor's care.
Defy does prostate exams and physical exams, the things that they require for entry to their care... in Florida.