Given my age of 33, Clomid therapy at 12.5mg everyday w/ low dose anastrozole for 40 days was my first option. The lab work with the lower testosterone was my first results after dropping finasteride, supplementing with boron, vitamin D, and DHEA at 25mg. The DHEA makes me sleep like a baby. I love it. As soon as I started Clomid, my sleep quality went down the toilet for some reason. I couldn't remember any of my dreams during these 40 days and I was tossing and turning most nights. My brain fog, libido, motivation, and strength also worsened. I felt drained at work on most days and my motivation for the gym was at an all time low. Have any of you guys been surprisingly impressed by their Clomid bloodwork, but disappointed on how crappy and blah you've felt while taking it?
AFTER Clomid

AFTER Clomid

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