Clomid and HCG together

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I stopped TRT with HCG about 2 months ago because we are looking to get pregnant. Immediately upon stopping, I started taking clomid 15mg eod mostly to keep T levels decent while off testosterone. My sperm count now is at 2m/ml so very low. Is it okay to take clomid and HCG together to help boost fertility after coming off TRT?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
I stopped TRT with HCG about 2 months ago because we are looking to get pregnant. Immediately upon stopping, I started taking clomid 15mg eod mostly to keep T levels decent while off testosterone. My sperm count now is at 2m/ml so very low. Is it okay to take clomid and HCG together to help boost fertility after coming off TRT?
HCG will shut you down same as testosterone. Clomid only is the best route for fertility. 2 months is not enough give it time
HCG will shut you down same as testosterone. Clomid only is the best route for fertility. 2 months is not enough give it time

This is obviously an extremely late response, but this is simply bad advice. Clomid and HCG used concomitantly is a standard practice among fertility doctors.
Be careful, this is erroneous and reckless advice.

Get back to me on that one.

Go nuts!

Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
Hi my friends

I am using ovitrelle 6500iu pen for 5 weeks right now for fertillity. The doc here in Belgium prescribed me the whole pen 2 x a week 3500iu. I'm also on 100mg test trough transcrotal appl.

The issue I have found recently is that since 4 dans ago I discovered a small lump onto my richt testicle... I have a echo Booked in next thursday.

Can it be because of the high dose of HCG ?... I am a bit scared right now.

The lump is smal and edgy and not painfull online onpleasant when I push against it. The size of it is really 1 or 2 mm or so
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