I have brought up the subject of T replacement with (my doc) and he's pretty hostile towards anything to do with (TRT). So I need to proceed carefully...
Dr. Mengela? Does he offer trepanation and bloodletting? How many other things is he hostile to? thyroid health? kidney health? "proceeding carefully" in my view would mean never stepping foot in that practice again.
The person most likely to kill you is not a relative, mugger, burglar, drunken driver, your ex, the police or a 1%-er biker. The person most likely to kill you is your doctor.
The experiences reported by you, Chris and others seem to be the rule rather than the exception. Annual mental health screening as a condition of licensing shouldn't be limited to airline pilots. Nothing is more dangerous than a doc with God Complex.
Never accept a lab order without "CC

If requests are met with unreasonable resistance then consider that practice not just useless but dangerous. If the scripts they like to push are ones you want limit "care" delivery from them to the drug pushing. Stay current on all research linked to drugs prescribed to you. Don't bother asking any MD if something is safe.