Chasing the Testosterone high —

I'll just post this here since it is really hard to find on this forum and some posters may have never read it.

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I'll just post this here since it is really hard to find on this forum and some posters may have never read it.

Thanks for the reminder FL. As one off the older guys, this struck a nerve with me. There are stereotypes of older guys who work out and why they try to keep in shape and remain fit. Not every guy in his 60s is trying to relive his youth by hitting on the waitresses at Hooters, some have a wife that they want to enjoy, grandchildren they want to have energy for, and are looking for as many health filled years as they can muster before the big fade to black. I believe most of us older guys who post here are in this category, one of the differences in this forum from others on the internet.

To each his own. I just believe that TRT won't change your personality, it will just make you more of what you already are.
Thanks for the reminder FL. As one off the older guys, this struck a nerve with me. There are stereotypes of older guys who work out and why they try to keep in shape and remain fit. Not every guy in his 60s is trying to relive his youth by hitting on the waitresses at Hooters, some have a wife that they want to enjoy, grandchildren they want to have energy for, and are looking for as many health filled years as they can muster before the big fade to black. I believe most of us older guys who post here are in this category, one of the differences in this forum from others on the internet.

To each his own. I just believe that TRT won't change your personality, it will just make you more of what you already are.

I understand MM and I am in the same boat as you with the same goals. I don't think the OP was talking about us.
Everyone has a different feeling for when one crosses the line into satyriasis (dirty old man, pervert)

Although I have never chased the dragon it has bit me once (trough TT1175/FT33) and I completely understand where the OP is coming from
because I was there for a very brief time. It does change the way you think and act around others and they are not positive attributes.

Like any drug one can become addicted to endorphins released from an orgasm and running a super high T lvl in your system is one way to support that addiction. I believe that is what the OP was referring to and he was no calling anyone out.
lexer has some good points about too much libido and getting older. what is "too much" will vary between the individual and their circumstances. but it can lead to issues...
I understand MM and I am in the same boat as you with the same goals. I don't think the OP was talking about us.
Everyone has a different feeling for when one crosses the line into satyriasis (dirty old man, pervert)

Although I have never chased the dragon it has bit me once (trough TT1175/FT33) and I completely understand where the OP is coming from
because I was there for a very brief time. It does change the way you think and act around others and they are not positive attributes.

Like any drug one can become addicted to endorphins released from an orgasm and running a super high T lvl in your system is one way to support that addiction. I believe that is what the OP was referring to and he was no calling anyone out.

Very well said feeling lost. That is exactly what i am talking about.
I understand MM and I am in the same boat as you with the same goals. I don't think the OP was talking about us.
Everyone has a different feeling for when one crosses the line into satyriasis (dirty old man, pervert)

Although I have never chased the dragon it has bit me once (trough TT1175/FT33) and I completely understand where the OP is coming from
because I was there for a very brief time. It does change the way you think and act around others and they are not positive attributes.

Like any drug one can become addicted to endorphins released from an orgasm and running a super high T lvl in your system is one way to support that addiction. I believe that is what the OP was referring to and he was no calling anyone out.

First and foremost your body was not used to those levels and although you felt that way for a brief period it usually does not last once the body becomes accustomed to the higher t levels and I would say in more cases than not libido/drive eventually wanes and is just healthy (maybe strong)........ but not raging/insane/mind blowing.

You get the point.
the longer you stay on very high T (1000+) the more crappy you will feel when you will have to lower your dose because of high hematocrit/high e2, possibe adrenal issues that result from staying on high T levels. It can reach to a point where you have low T symptoms even though your testosterone is normal thats what folks who used steroids in the past deal with
the longer you stay on very high T (1000+) the more crappy you will feel when you will have to lower your dose because of high hematocrit/high e2, possibe adrenal issues that result from staying on high T levels. It can reach to a point where you have low T symptoms even though your testosterone is normal thats what folks who used steroids in the past deal with

Most on steroids are running very high supra-physiological levels as in 2000+ and I would not consider 1000+ very high, more like high/normal physiological levels as the top end of the range was recently 1200 (Labcorp).

Sure 900-1200 ng/dl is high but far from excessive.

I do not believe if someone is running higher testosterone levels (900-1200) in the physiological range that if they had to lower their dose to achieve mid-normal testosterone levels that they would feel any worse as long as their free t is in a healthy range and other hormones are in check.

As far as one using testosterone to achieve very high supra-physiological levels (2000+) when one uses steroids for the sole purpose of increasing muscle/strength gains.

When the cycle is stopped and without use of pct than one would suffer from low t symptoms until ones systems natural production kicks in or worst case scenario they will end up on trt permanently as their hpta was damaged due to abuse of the hormone among other factors.

I will agree that if one has very high supra-physiological levels due to steroid use whether cycling or blasting/cruising that when they return to normal physiological testosterone levels they will definitely feel a difference in overall effects as there would be a big difference in how ones system is effected when comparing physiological testosterone levels to very high supra-physiological levels.

As far as elevated e2, hematocrit/hemoglobin sure higher levels would make one more prone to these negative aspects and of course there are ways to control them (aromatase inhibitors and blood donations) and most importantly lowering ones dose to achieve lower testosterone levels.

Even than do understand that many can still have elevated e2, hematocrit/hemoglobin even at lower t dose/overall testosterone levels
due to genetics/ones sensitivity of the AR (androgen receptor)/polymorphism of the AR and CAG repeat length (short/long).

Mind you using the lowest possible t dose to achieve healthy testosterone levels to improve low t symptoms/overall well being and of course minimize side effect would be the best piece of advice when on trt.
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Op. Your perception isn't my reality. If the protocol one chooses negatively impacts THEIR life, then its the wrong protocol.

Chasing women at the bar/grocery store/church (dont ask lol) is bad for my marriage. Now would it be wrong for a single guy to keep those as a viable option? Of course not.
Yes back to the reality that everyone is different. I never had such symptoms when my TT and Free T was very high. In fact this is the first time I heard of anyone with the symptoms described in this thread. Most interesting.
People put too much emphasis on TT while we should be more focused on FT and Bioavailable testosterone. Testosterone attached to SHBG does nothing for you.
When making decisions about whats is high or low or try to understand side effects we should give more weight to FT/BT.

Another VERY important thing that most of us ignore. Most of us measure levels at trough. One snapshot only. Don’t forget that testosterone levels between injection and trough will be higher and in low SHBG guys will be MUCH higher. So a lot of guys on TRT chase high TT levels measure on trough (and a lot of times FT/BT are through the roof). So imagine how high these levels will be between injections? And them people wonder why they need to use AI and donate blood every 2 months. Not saying that everyone is able to control side effects with dose reduction but I believe most of us could reduce significantly and a lot of times eliminate side effects as high estradiol and hematocrit If we stopped chasing numbers and understand the bigger picture.
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