Can you tell me normal Testosterone levels please?

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Hello all,

Could anyone tell me what nornal testosterone levels are please? I see that there doesnt seem a great deal of agreement for testosterone levels from difference source. And yes, I do know that testosterone level do decrease with age.

Thanks as always, great place.
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Could anyone tell me what nornal testosterone levels are please?
The normal ranges currently are 264-916 ng/dL. This will change in the future as our population gets sicker. An average testosterone level in the 1970's was 720, now it's 420. The takeaway here is normal is always changing, not for the better, it will only get worse!

These normal ranges have nothing to do with quality of life.

No one tell you what normal testosterone for you, we can only look at the normal ranges which is everyone. Everyone has their own normal range, some men at their peak are naturally at the top end and some men are mid-range while others are on the lower end.

Men have different types of androgen receptors, sensitivities at the T receptor, differences in receptor density as well as the ability for tissues to respond. Certain medical conditions can prevent hormones from working, like heavy metal toxicity and inflammation of the by-lipid membrane.
And yes, I do know that testosterone level do decrease with age.
Testosterone doesn't decline due to age alone, a cluster of medical conditions lowers it. Throw in pollution and environmental chemicals assaulting our bodys on a daily basis, a chemical assault on our bodies, lowering testosterone and sperm count across the board and the line between normal testosterone has never been more blurry.

There are over 200 chemicals in your body at any given time. These chemicals disrupt the normal function of neurotransmitters, hormones and more. The result is auto immune diseases, weight gain, fatigue, erectile dysfunction, testosterone deficiency, hair loss etc.

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Hello all,

Could anyone tell me what nornal testosterone levels are please? I see that there doesnt seem a great deal of agreement for testosterone levels from difference source. And yes, I do know that testosterone level do decrease with age.

Thanks as always, great place.

every lab has a set of reference ranges in general they try and match it up pretty closely but some places its 200-900 some places its 300-1000, and of course some variances in there depending on specific lab.

point is when you see different levels from different sources they in reality may reflect the same level but its the testing that changes it. if that makes sense.

you just need to look on your labs to see reference range.
Could anyone tell me what nornal testosterone levels are please? I see that there doesnt seem a great deal of agreement for testosterone levels from difference source. And yes, I do know that testosterone level do decrease with age.
You are right. It depends on the source:

Healthy normal and normal isn't the same thing!

The Testosterone Controversy - with references

Adapted from an article posted by William Faloon of Life Extensions

Testosterone levels are high in young men, but plummet during aging. Despite compelling findings of efficacy, conventional doctors still question the value of testosterone replacement in maturing men.

This oversight is causing needless heart attacks and strokes. Low testosterone is associated with excess abdominal fat,1-4 loss of insulin sensitivity,5,6 andatherosclerosis.7,8 A critically important role of testosterone is to enable HDL to remove excess cholesterol from the arterial wall and transport it to the liver for disposal.

This effect of enhancing HDL is termed “reverse cholesterol transport” and is vital to preventing arterial occlusion.9,10

Cardiologists routinely prescribe statin drugs to lower LDL, a lipoprotein that transports cholesterol from the liver to the arteries. These same doctors, however, fail to maintain sufficient testosterone levels in their patients to enable HDL to remove cholesterol buildup in the arteries.

This is one reason why statin drugs have not always been shown to work in older men, who require functional HDL to keep arterial linings free of excess cholesterol. 11,12 Numerous studies document the vital role that testosterone plays in maintaining youthful metabolic processes throughout the body.6,7,13-21 A large new study confirms the deadly impact of low testosterone in older men.22

What’s scary are clinical trials designed by doctors who have no idea how to achieve youthful hormone levels.

Men who enroll in these studies are subjected to lethal dangers because testosterone and estrogen blood levels are not properly balanced. Cells throughout a man’s body are laden with receptor sites that are activated by the hormone testosterone. When testosterone is available to bind to these receptor sites, good things happen such as elevated mood and improved cognition in response to plentiful testosterone being available to the brain.23-25 Be it muscle, bone, vascular, or nerve tissue, testosterone provides critical command signals for your cells to behave in a youthful manner.8,26-33 As testosterone levels diminish, degenerative processes set in.

New Published Study Confirms Testosterone’s Benefits

Of considerable interest is the relationship between testosterone blood levels and cardiovascular events such as heart attack and stroke. In a revealing new study, researchers identified 2,416 men (aged 69-81 years) who were not on any kind of testosterone- affecting treatment.

These men were subjected to a battery of blood tests that included total testosterone and estradiol (estrogen). The first observation was that men with increasing levels of testosterone had a decreased prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, and body fat mass.

Compared to men with the highest testosterone levels, those with low testosterone were twice as likely to have a history of cardiovascular disease. It was also observed that men with the highest testosterone levels were the most physically active.17 This large group of men was followed for an average of 5.1 years. Men in the highest quartile of total testosterone (above 550 ng/dL) had a 30% lower risk of cardiovascular events.

Any level of total testosterone below 550 ng/dL resulted in significant increased risk, thus helping to establish a minimal baseline as to where total testosterone should be to guard against heart attack or stroke. Estradiol levels measured in this group appeared to be mostly in safe ranges and did not impact incidence of cardiovascular events. Data was tabulated based on hospital reports and/or death certificates for heart attack, stroke, unstable angina, bypass surgery, or stenting.

The four quartiles of total testosterone in this large group of older men were: Quartile 1: Total testosterone below 340 ng/dL.

Quartile 2: Total testosterone be-tween 341-438 ng/dL.
Quartile 3: Total testosterone be-tween 439-549 ng/dL.
Quartile 4: Total testosterone above 550 ng/dL.

Of interest was the finding that Quartiles 1, 2, and 3 had about the same risk of cardiac adverse events. It was only in Quartile 4 (when total testosterone exceeded 550 ng/dL) that the 30% reduction in cardiovascular events occurred

This finding showed that it did not matter if these men’s total testosterone was very low (below 340 ng/dL) or moderately low (up to 549 ng/dL)...they all had a similar increased risk for suffering a cardiovascular event. Only when total testosterone exceeded 550 ng/dL did cardiovascular risk plummet.

This finding remained consistent for cerebrovascular disease incidence, where men with the highest total testosterone (Quartile 4) had a 24% reduced risk of transient ischemic attack or full-blown stroke. The researchers noted this association with reduced cerebrovascular risk remained after adjustment for traditional risk factors.
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Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
Hello all,

Could anyone tell me what nornal testosterone levels are please? I see that there doesnt seem a great deal of agreement for testosterone levels from difference source. And yes, I do know that testosterone level do decrease with age.

Thanks as always, great place.

Harmonized reference range for TT is 264-916 ng/dL.

Table 4.
Model-Based Estimates of Population Centiles for Total Testosterone Concentrations (ng/dL) Based on Data From Nonobese Men (N = 6933) and in All Men (N = 9054) in the Four Harmonized Cohorts

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Screenshot (35889).png

Even then would not get too caught up on total testosterone as one can have a robust TT with highish/high SHBG yet have lowish/low FT.

Flip it around and one could have a not so stellar TT with lowish/low SHBG yet have a healthy FT.

Although TT is important to know FT is what truly matters as it is the active unbound fraction of T responsible for the positive effects.

TT means nothing without knowing where your FT level truly sits.

Keep in mind when it comes to testing free testosterone it is critical to use what would be considered the most accurate assays such as the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration especially in cases of altered SHBG in order to know where your FT level truly sits.

If you do not have access to such, highly doubtful if you live in the US then you would need to use/rely upon the linear law-of-mass action cFTV.

To calculate your FT you need to know your TT, SHBG and Albumin.

The calculator is available online for free!

*We have determined mFT reference ranges in healthy men aged 25 to 69

Age category (years)

Median mFT (ng/dl)

95% mFT reference range (ng/dl)

25-29 (n=148)


5.6 - 17.1

30-39 (n=252)


4.9 - 18.1

40-49 (n=207)


4.3 - 13.5

50-59 (n=146)


3.8 - 12.6

60-69 (n=114)


3.3 - 11.9

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