Bulimia exercise, OCD, fatigue and low t


New Member
well this is difficult for me!
I'm from spain and i don't write english very well, sorry for that.
I'm a male with 33 years old and my life is in a dark place.
When i was 19 years old i suffered with anorexia and with the time i passed to bulimia exercise. Some years well but specially two years ago very bad.( for differents reason)
When I was 28 i passed a period of stress and i began in my life OCD(supersticious and overthinker principal).
In the last two years, all went bad, bulimia exercise elevate, exhaustion all day, cry alone in home, desperate, no libido(no erections in the last 4 months), sleep bad, anxiety a lot but the worst is the fatigue and the hopeless.

I took laboratories and this is the results:

16-Jun-2017 - a year ago

fsh. 3,11. (1,55-9,74)
testosterone-. 439. (249-836)
free t -. 4,96. (9-23,5)
shbg. 76,48. (18,3-54,1)


tsh. 2.81. (0,46-4,68)
t4 free. 0,89. (0,77-2,19)
t3 free. 3,51 (2,77-5,27)

-one doctor wanted put me on trt with 250 of cypionate each 15 days.
-other tell me that this blood test is normal

i didn't take, but the symptoms have gone worse in the last year

this year i went for new blood panel


testosterone. 187,4
testosterone free 2,08
dheas. 95,27 (160-449)
shbg. 72,15
fsh. 1,72
lh. 2,51 (1,80-8,16)

repeat me because the doctor told me that was better repeat


fsh. 1,66. (1,55-9,74)
lh. 1,23. (1,80-8,16)
testosterone 291,3. (249-836)
dheas. 92,04. (160-449)

in this bloodtest i don't have shbg and free t

other dates:

weight fluctuations. more or less 186 libras
height 1'80 1 meters and 80 centimetres

bodyfat. 16-18 i think

i'm taking prozac, lorazepam(2mg day) and low dosage of quetiapine (25mg) for sleep
i'm in CBT and helps

thanks thanks if you are reading me

Now I have visited two doctors

- one told me- take 100 mg cypionate every week

-the two told me -that it could be a problem of adrenals and he told me that he want study more and in case put me 125 cypionate each 15 days but he didn't know... he wanted study more

i don't know what to do. i suffer a lot because i have extremely fatigue and my only relations are reduce to the gym, and all day if i want do something i need coffee
no alcohol or drugs
food are some days good but others i enter into dispair and binge eating and lot lot lot of cardio in the gym(it's like a scape way)

the ocd is better with CBT (pshycollogy) but i fight all day, and have lot of anxiety and sad. I'm trying to do changes in my life but it's so difficult for me

i had the hope of trt could help me but i don't know if pay attention one doctor and put 100 mg every week (i read lots of histories of exit in trt) or wait for the other

no libido, fatigue, no motivation...
trt helps also with eat a lot in nights? i think this is for hopeless

ohhhh thanks a lot, i don't know what to do. i only want to stay a few better but i don't know if trt is a good idea, but i read some cases of exit. I don't know if all are in my brain, or in some place trt could help me.

thanks all
sorry for my english
Your SHBG is a real problem, it's binding up most of your testosterone choking your bioavailable testosterone into oblivion. Your TRT protocol should consist of 2 moderate doses of testosterone twice weekly, 60-70mg to be exact. You're going to need more than 100mg weekly, it doesn't sound like any of the doctors you have had understand the impact SHBG is having on your free testosterone.

You may need supraphysiological doses of testosterone to manipulate SHBG lower because excess androgens is what lowers SHBG and that's what you want. TRT really is your only hope at lowering SHBG and increasing free testosterone.

The protocol your doctor is suggesting is stupid, when your levels drop after 15 days free testosterone will be effected and lower. I also don't see how any doctor can say your labs look normal with free testosterone below ranges, most doctors will be TRT ignorant.

Prozac and Lorazepam are most definitely cause your hormone production more damage, these medications will lower hormones. You were likely place on these drugs because on your hormonal problems which only worsen your situation.

It should be standard practice to check hormones before handing out these drugs that in most cases don't treat the underlying cause of hormone deficiencies, but makes everything worse. These drugs you're taking increase SHBG and lower LH and therefore testosterone, which is what's going on with you.

I took benzos for 30 years and it damaged my hormone production, it's why I'm on TRT in the first place.
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wow lots of thanks. i have no idea. i'm reading lots of post and i have some questions.
i took benzos for 12 years, and other time put me in wellbutrin, low dosages of quetiapine for anxiety, topiramate...buff was very bad for me i was like a walking dead. when changed to a private doctor quit lots of meds, told me that this was incorrect.

1- shbg is imposible down with change style life or others??

2- trt could help me with the fatigue, hopeless and anxiety??some days i have like lead legs it's horrible...i think this is for the stress.
3- trt will give me more hungry??? i'm fighting some time with eat a lot. No problem here but is for to know

4- hcg or tamixifene or clomid is necessary??? or at the begining is not necessary...i dislike meds

4- i live in spain and i don't know a med specialist in trt, and i talk with some people and all are one per week or one each 15 days. The problem is that here only have blisters of 100 and 250 mg if cypionate... i don't know how take 2 times per week. really y'm thinking that in spain the meds are outdated in trt.

6-trt improvement sleep and relax?

i know i have to do lots of changes in my life, but sometimes the sadness is so big that is really difficult. i don't want be a superhero jaja i only want to feel a few better

thanks for your answer and thanks for reading my horrible english sorry!!!!
i think that i could discuss with doctor but i don't know, really in spain is difficult find a specialist,

thanks you and find this forum was incredible
Fix things naturally, you don't fix high SHBG naturally. Once these medications stress out the liver and increase SHBG, the damage is likely already done. Your LH is very low and that's a fault of the pituitary gland, so you have more than one problem.

One you dip into the 200-300 ranges recovery naturally become extremely unlikely. Clomid is a no go do to your very high SHBG which clomid will increase further worsening your situation. TRT is your only solution.
thanks for all systemlord!!! i have fear... this is new for me and my doc don't explain.
thanks man for help!!!
if someone want to tell me histories in trt i would be very gratefull of reading

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