Blood work. Asking for opinions


Greetings. Before i start i wanna say that this is definitely the best i felt on TRT so far. Good erections, good libido.
I am still waiting for SHBG, Free Testosterone, Albumin. I will update when i will have them.

Total testosterone: 40.78 nmol/L (range: 4.94-32.01)
Estradiol: 41.07 pg/ml (RANGE FOR MEN: 11-44)

Now, my protocol is 50mg e3d. I did the test 7 hours before the injection, so it's not a complete through. I don't take AI, HCG. Just T. I am on this protocol for 2 months now. Over actually.

I am guessing that testosterone is really high. But like i said, never felt better on TRT. Kind of worried about estriadol, though. Thinking about moving to daily injections, just wanna wait for the rest of results.
What do you guys think?
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Thats the wrong test for E in males inspite of what it says on the lab report. The only test is the (ultra) sensitive LC/MS/MS. You've been around here long enough to not have gotten the wrong test.

How did you jump all the way from E3.5D right to daily injections? Dailys are contraindicated except for the more difficult situations which you are clearly no where close to. Running a total that high 3 days later would be indicative of high(er) SHBG but I'll refrain until the rest of your labs come in.
No, i am doing injections every 3 days (50mg enanthate). Just thinking about changing to daily due to high-ish estradiol. Yeah, i know i did worse estriadol test. My mistake, because i didn't ask for it in the lab. But i don't know if sensitive E2 is available in my country anyway.
Helps when we know you live outside the US.
Yeah, I am. Anyway, is that T and E2 levels a sign that i should reduce the dosage or that can not be determined without the rest of results? I should have all of them within 10 days.
I feel pretty good, though and I don't use that much of testosterone, it's like 116-117mg per week.
You stated that you feel great so I would stay on the same injection protocol of E3D if it were me. Had you had the blood draw closer than 7 hours before the next injection your numbers would have dropped more and your T levels would not have been that much over the top of the range.

Of course, when you find out what your SHBG is, that could potentially have you changing your injection schedule. Very low SHBG could have you going with ED or EOD injections. Mid range where you are at E3D, and very high SHBG might have you move to a once weekly injection.

With the E2 being the wrong test, it is likely that the Estradiol Sensitive would have been even lower. Typically the non-sensitive test is quite a bit higher than the Sensitive test. The non-sensitive test is just that, non-sensitive to a man's lower level of estradiol when compared to a healthy woman, and therefore, estimates high. Especially if you are not having any symptoms of high estradiol I would not be concerned. I would recommend the proper test, Estradiol Sensitive LC/MS/MS on your next blood work if it is available in your country. You might even have lowish E2 when the right test is taken. My non-sensitive E2 was 92 and my Sensitive E2 was 35.3. Big difference. Even then, the Sensitive test where I get my blood work is has a range of 8.0 - 35.0. So I am at the top of the range and feel great. So, always keep and eye on the E2 but no get overly concerned and don't treat a number, treat how you feel.

I would hang tight with what you are doing right now plus you feel really good. When you get your new labs they ay warrant a change but that is remaining to be seen.
You stated that you feel great so I would stay on the same injection protocol of E3D if it were me. Had you had the blood draw closer than 7 hours before the next injection your numbers would have dropped more and your T levels would not have been that much over the top of the range.

Of course, when you find out what your SHBG is, that could potentially have you changing your injection schedule. Very low SHBG could have you going with ED or EOD injections. Mid range where you are at E3D, and very high SHBG might have you move to a once weekly injection.

With the E2 being the wrong test, it is likely that the Estradiol Sensitive would have been even lower. Typically the non-sensitive test is quite a bit higher than the Sensitive test. The non-sensitive test is just that, non-sensitive to a man's lower level of estradiol when compared to a healthy woman, and therefore, estimates high. Especially if you are not having any symptoms of high estradiol I would not be concerned. I would recommend the proper test, Estradiol Sensitive LC/MS/MS on your next blood work if it is available in your country. You might even have lowish E2 when the right test is taken. My non-sensitive E2 was 92 and my Sensitive E2 was 35.3. Big difference. Even then, the Sensitive test where I get my blood work is has a range of 8.0 - 35.0. So I am at the top of the range and feel great. So, always keep and eye on the E2 but no get overly concerned and don't treat a number, treat how you feel.

I would hang tight with what you are doing right now plus you feel really good. When you get your new labs they ay warrant a change but that is remaining to be seen.

Thanks a lot. About the frequency of injections. My previous protocol was 110mg E7D. I didn't feel nearly as good as i do now. Had problems with erections, not very good libido.
Thanks a lot. About the frequency of injections. My previous protocol was 110mg E7D. I didn't feel nearly as good as i do now. Had problems with erections, not very good libido.

You're welcome. Yeah, that E7D protocol isn't too good for a lot of people. Normally need real high SHBG for that to work well without tremendous peaks and valleys. Glad you are feeling much better.
Royal don't get caught up in this ranges, how you feel is more important as long as hematocrit and RBC and isn't absurdly high.

Thanks. Actually i've done Hematocrit and RBC along with all these tests.

Hematocrit [%]: 46.7 (RANGE: 43.5 - 53.9)
RBC [mln/UL] 5.29 (RANGE: 4.69 - 6.13)
Hi, i got the rest of my test results.
So, here's everything:

Total testosterone: 40.78 nmol/L (range: 4.94-32.01)
Estradiol: 41.07 pg/ml (RANGE FOR MEN: 11-44)
SHBG: 35.00 nmol/l (RANGE FOR MEN 13.3-89.5)
Free Testosterone: 54.397 pg/ml (RANGE IN THE LAB 1-28.28. Howver, i've found on the internet that in other labs in my country the range in pg/ml is 9-42. I've also found that in the USA the normal range in pg/ml is 32-168. What the hell is going on? It's not possible. )
Albumin: 4.75 g/dl (Range: 3.20-4.80)

What do you guys think? And seriously guys, what is going on with Free Testosterone? The ranges are horrendus. Besides, it is NOT POSSIBLE for me to have Free Testosterone in the lower range with that SHBG and THAT total testosterone. I don't even know if it is possible for me to not be beyond the range. And yeah, according to norms in my country - it is beyond range, but according to USA range - it is in the lower end. What the hell?
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No lab is the same, and the range that each lab has is a sample of the population that that lab is testing. So thats the reason lab ranges are not standardized.
To have comparability between your tests using the same lab every time is important.

I dont see a disparity between your TT/FT/SHBG...looks pretty typical to me with your SHBG
No lab is the same, and the range that each lab has is a sample of the population that that lab is testing. So thats the reason lab ranges are not standardized.
To have comparability between your tests using the same lab every time is important.

I dont see a disparity between your TT/FT/SHBG...looks pretty typical to me with your SHBG

Okey, so i should just look at the range of a lab where i tested my blood?
Then the max Free Testosterone would be 28.28 so i am quite beyond range (54.397).
Feeling pretty good, though. It is unresonable to be on such levels? Thanks again for your feedback. I'll remind that i am on 50mg of testosterone enanthate every 3 days.
There are numerous test for Free Testosterone; Direct Analog Radioimmunoassay, Calculated, Equilibrium Ultrafiltration, Liquid Chromatography LC/MS/MS, and maybe more.
So I'd use the range that your lab is using in your case which puts your Free T over the range about twice the top of the range.

You say you feel great. E2 does not look to high to me even though I suspect it is the wrong test. Normally with the proper test your E2 would be lower. SHBG is a somewhat lower mid range-ish. HCT and RBC looks real good.

I'd probably leave things where they are at if it were me even though Free T could come down some. At most I might drop the dose 5mg E3D which would bring down your Free T and E2 just a bit but NO AI. Most people would kill for your numbers without an AI and having no ill side effects.

My two cents............
Hi, i got the rest of my test results.
So, here's everything:

Total testosterone: 40.78 nmol/L (range: 4.94-32.01)
Estradiol: 41.07 pg/ml (RANGE FOR MEN: 11-44)
SHBG: 35.00 nmol/l (RANGE FOR MEN 13.3-89.5)
Free Testosterone: 54.397 pg/ml (RANGE IN THE LAB 1-28.28. Howver, i've found on the internet that in other labs in my country the range in pg/ml is 9-42. I've also found that in the USA the normal range in pg/ml is 32-168. What the hell is going on? It's not possible. )
Albumin: 4.75 g/dl (Range: 3.20-4.80)

What do you guys think? And seriously guys, what is going on with Free Testosterone? The ranges are horrendus. Besides, it is NOT POSSIBLE for me to have Free Testosterone in the lower range with that SHBG and THAT total testosterone. I don't even know if it is possible for me to not be beyond the range. And yeah, according to norms in my country - it is beyond range, but according to USA range - it is in the lower end. What the hell?

With a TT of 40.78 nmol/L, SHBG 35.00 nmol/L and albumin 4.75 g/dL than taking these values and using the Free & Bioavailable Testosterone calculator:Free & Bioavailable Testosterone calculator

Your FT is 2.29% and your BT is 59.1%.....I would say your FT levels look good!

As VC stated you should never compare reference ranges from different labs as it is pointless!
If you feel great I wouldn't change a thing until you start feeling different....With SHBG in the low range, high T and Free T may just be what your body needs.

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