It seems like after I have a nice workout sometimes I will feel and look bloated after my "pump" from lifting goes away. Is this maybe due to the rise in cortisol after a hard workout session? I can really tell that my lower stomach gets bloated and muscles just feel a lot softer than before my workout. Also I can tell that my chest looks flabbier than it did before the workout. It almost looks like I gained some water weight sometimes. Has anybody ever had this feeling after a workout session before? I'm thinking its due to either a rise in cortisol from working out or just not eating enough before the workout. I do not take any creatine either so I know thats not the cause.
Excess cortisol can definitely cause one to gain/hold water and if your levels are constantly elevated due to excess stress whether (mental/physical), lack of sleep, over-training (too long workouts/not recovering and resting in between sessions), poor diet (not consuming enough calories/lack of protein) it can cause the body to look softer.
As you know the t/cortisol ratio can have a big impact on body composition as higher cortisol/low t can have many negative effects.
Testosterone is anabolic and having healthy blood levels will allow one to maintain/gain muscle and strength and lose adipose much easier and is amplified when one strength trains with weights and follows a good diet whether trying to gain muscle or lose adipose.
Cortisol is catabolic and although it plays a strong role in the bodys fight/flight response under times of stress whether mental/physical in excess it can cause a host of negative issues especially loss of muscle/strength and an increase in adipose/water in tissue among many other negative effects on ones body.
Highly doubtful elevated cortisol post work-out would cause any issues regarding bloating especially if your workout was not too long and you were using a post-workout meal/shake containing protein or protein/carbs as protein consumption as well as carbohydrates can lower cortisol levels.
I think the culprit could be your pre-workout meal especially if it contained carbohydrate which can definitely cause bloat or another culprit the all mighty whey protein can definitely cause bloating in many and yes even whey isolate.
I would look at what you may have eaten pre-workout or possibly what you consumed intra/post workout.................WHEY or CARBS!