Big and Tall TRT dosage


New Member
I need some advice on dosage. My doctor has me on .33ml a day subQ injection which comes out to 462mg a week. I am 6’6” 355lb. My labs after one week were extremely high and i’m having some crazy brain fog. How many milligrams do you recommend on a daily SubQ injection for someone my size?
.33ml daily of 200mg/ML Testosterone Cypionate
Ok, yes it seems you are on 66 mg of T a day, which adds up to 462 mg a week.
In my humble opinion... this is more than excessive and detrimental to your health.
I will let the other members here advise on a more normal daily dose for subq as I only have personal experience with intramuscular.
I do IM 0.2ml (50mg) 2x week and I'm at the high end of the range FWIW and likely even above. I can only imagine my levels at 462mg/week smh lol
Hi @jd6652brown, I'm 6'3" 240lbs and 125mg Testosterone per week keeps me in the higher range. There are many people with your size with zero Testosterone and they live normally. I don't think that the body size should determine your Testosterone dosage. The blood tests should do that and you always have to start with ~100mg/week and make blood tests 5-6 weeks later until you get dialed-in. When I'm on cycle (500mg/week) I often feel worse than when I'm on cruise (125mg/week). The brain fog comes from the Estrogen imbalance - probably your E2 is very high on that dosage. Also, if you're new to TRT, you need to know that SQ injections are not meant for everybody. In my opinion, water-based products (HCG) need to be injected SQ and oil-based products (Testosterone) need to be injected IM (or at least shallow-IM, which is very difficult to determine for high-percent body fat people). If you inject Testosterone into the fat, it could stay there for days and your levels will become very bad (my personal experience). If I were you I would've tried twice a week 50mg Testosterone injections (slow ester, like Cypionate) and make blood tests in 5-6 weeks. If you're not in the higher range or not feeling fine add some more Testosterone and so on. At some point, if you go to like 200mg Testosterone per week you'll probably need an AI as well. You could also send this thread with our replies to your doctor as well. Good luck!
Hi @jd6652brown, I'm 6'4", 390 and I've been as high as 0.35ml of 200mg/ml EOD, which comes to 245mg/wk. I inject SQ. I know my dose is above average. My doctor recommends I reduce it at each visit, and I've found that I get good results at lower dosages than this.
That's a monster dose. I am 6'8 around 260 (was 334 a little less than a year ago). My protocol up until recently was 150mg Test Cyp divided into 3 doses weekly. That put me around 600 trough and towards the upper end of FT on the Labcorp range with a SHBG around 17.
Get another doctor.
Once again this just proves my point about how NOT to trust a stupid human being in a white labcoat just because of their 'job title'. You got lucky though, they usually dont even prescribe enough to make ya feel better. So let me get this straight, were supposed to trust doctors.... But have to go through dumbass after dumbass to find one that knows how to treat us properly?? Nothing but wasted time and money.

So im assuming 'Big and Tall' testosterone doses was learned in medical school?? LMFAO. I wonder what other drugs he uses this analogy with when prescribing them.

Look, as everybody here knows(and disagrees with) Im all about taking our health into our own hands and dosing testosterone till we feel good, but that dosage would make ME feel like shit too. Id take much less and keep telling him your taking what he prescribes, just to have some backup testosterone.

One again... A doctor making someone feel like shit. Anybody see a pattern yet????

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