My last visit to my Endo I mentioned I was really getting lethargic and haven't been working out. She likes that I donate to keep levels down but that I need to stop for now. Two big reasons see below:
She explained my iron is low. The labs explained that most of my red blood cells were smaller. When you produce new ones they are larger. So she suggested taking iron. I am taking the second highest one just so I don't get constipated. It's been 5 days and my energy is going up. Funny part is I had a donation appointment Sunday but I missed it. Good thing. I will stop donating for a while. I still think the Losartin is dropping it. I guess we will know for sure in 6 months or so. Btw I switched from Testosterone Cypionate to Enanthate but that will be another post.

She explained my iron is low. The labs explained that most of my red blood cells were smaller. When you produce new ones they are larger. So she suggested taking iron. I am taking the second highest one just so I don't get constipated. It's been 5 days and my energy is going up. Funny part is I had a donation appointment Sunday but I missed it. Good thing. I will stop donating for a while. I still think the Losartin is dropping it. I guess we will know for sure in 6 months or so. Btw I switched from Testosterone Cypionate to Enanthate but that will be another post.