Any reason why I have been rejected from donating blood?

I was going to donate blood which I do every three months and after the finger stick test they told me my iron was "Way to high," and if "I had ever been told I have high iron." So naturally I get a little worried and go to the Dr for labs. I can't see any reason I would have been denied from donating. Am I missing something? Are the finger stick tests just that inaccurate?

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I believe I was well hydrated 9am and half gallon of water on board already, with over a gal the previous 2 days. She only said iron, I said how is my hematocrit, and she said that's what we tested it was 62. The blood test was the very next day so there is no way my hematocrit could drop like that in 24hrs.
If the rule of HGB x 3 approximates HCT, then your HGB was over 20 and I bet they did have a problem with that. Try again. I know that they're very stubborn about they're screening...I get frustrated because of a little white coat syndrome and my pulse pushes 99...they've cut me off @ 101.
They also like to say iron when they mean Hemoglobin and by your test results, youre fine :)

free advice if I may, never tell them why you're there, TRT, HCT, Polycythemia, none of that, you can be blacklisted from donating. Just answer the questionaire truthfully but don't get blabby with them. Not that you did or would.
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They also like to say iron when they mean Hemoglobin and by your test results, youre fine :)

free advice if I may, never tell them why you're there, TRT, HCT, Polycythemia, none of that, you can be blacklisted from donating. Just answer the questionaire truthfully but don't get blabby with them. Not that you did or would.

Agree 100%. Be truthful but don't volunteer any extra info as that is all too easily used against you.
FYI...Not saying that Vince is not correct about blacklisting but I have told them I was on TRT and the took my blood fine. I use

Matter of fact, my Hemaglobin was 17.2 one time and she asked me "Are you on TRT? That is a bit high..." I said yes and they took my blood fine. That being said, it is safer to assume the worst, so I would keep my mouth shut. (at least I will in the future)
I got black listed first time in. They also told me my Iron was high, when in fact they tested hemoglobin. I was over 18 and was denied. Asked if I was on TRT. SO now I have to do the special collection way. Exactly same procedure I just have to pay $60.00 and had to go thru about a month of BS to get it done all red cross officially. They are a slow moving organization.
Right, with therapeutic phlebotomy at a blood bank, they will charge you, I've seen $30, and now $60.
This goes again to my point, don't talk to these people about why you're there. This is different than simply not being able to pass their screening, for whatever reason. As long as you're truthful on the questionnaire, there's nothing that should be said. As you see he's paying out of pocket for this.

(I would try a different blood bank)
last time I asked my blood bank for curiosity only I'm sure they said 20 but 18 or 19 as I have been they don't really inquire or say anything and if they did ask I'd say something like high iron diet or something like that.
For anyone going through the same issue I found a solution. After a month of getting rejected from donating through the local blood bank I decided to try a redcross blood drive, because they test hemoglobin instead of hematocrit. And they took my blood no problem. I will be going that route from now on.
I was disallowed because of low platelets, I had to go to my doctor to get approval to donate blood. After they received information from my doctor, they reapproved me. A lot of stuff I had to go through to be able to donate blood. Which I haven't done. I'm hoping I won't need to.

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