Anastrozole please help


I have been on TRT with testcyp for 7weeks at 125mg(63cc) per week(been splitting my dose Every other day subQ).
HCG 500 pr week, I split my dose to twice a week 250x2

my original lab numbers:
total TEST was at 359ng/dl(reference interval 348-1197) and
freeTEST(direct) 10.8 pg/ml (reference 8.7-25.1)
E2 was not requested or done for 1st lab test

On my 6 week lab test my Estradiol, SENSITIVE was at 67.1 pg/ml (range 8.0-35) HIGH
testosterone, serum 1247 (reference interval 348-1197) HIGH
free testosterone (direct) 42.8 (reference 8.7-25.1) HIGH

I started freaking out on the ESTRADIOL because its high but I havent had any gyno or any sensitivity on breasts, I have been feeling a little bloated and i cant get rid of my belly fat( i do workout almost every day with weights, no cardio), and do get hot flashes here and there. sex drive ok, was feeling wonderful for the first 3 weeks then i just felt that wonderful general feeling going away. but not feeling bad until i found out about my E2 being high, guess psychosomatic effect.

MY QUESTION: my doc prescribed .25mg anastrozol( 3x per week)...after reading some of the forums it seems like this is too much, but maybe not, but Im just feeling conflicted cus I read you guys advise to get the ULTRA sensitive E2 lab and are also against taking the AIs...but hopefully you guys can help me with my current lab numbers I provided as its still a SENSITIVE.
Im thinking of maybe just taking .25mg x1 or x2 per week, because i am scared of lowering too much my E2 and especially cus you guys keep saying it might be normal cus the ultra sensitive might show normal range vs the sensitive showing high. I cant split the anastrozole cust its in capsule and i dont know how to split capsules (powdered meds)

Please help thanks
ps as soon as i took my first dose of anastrozole yesterday today I have been feeling a little snappy, short tempered (may be psychosomatic or because I drank coffee and im sensitive to caffeine and i get short tempered from coffee)
fmalianos, personally I don't think you should use anastrozole but I'm sure someone more knowledgeable with chime on this.
fmalianos, personally I don't think you should use anastrozole but I'm sure someone more knowledgeable with chime on this.

yeah im just conflicted cus of the lab number, like I dont want to leave myself with high E2 but I also dont want to throw myself into a cliff. thanks for your input. I am wondering if even doing .25mg once a week would help at all or it might give my highs and lows on the E2
When it comes to the use of an AI, and you need to bring down you E2 levels, I am a firm believer in starting low and going slow.

In fact, ask your Doc to start out a .25 mg once a week for 6 weeks and get tested.

If after 6 weeks you are still elevated go to .25 twice a week.

In other words, titrate up and not down as E2 is hard to rebound if you tank it.

Make sense?

Better safe than sorry in my book.
When it comes to the use of an AI, and you need to bring down you E2 levels, I am a firm believer in starting low and going slow.

In fact, ask your Doc to start out a .25 mg once a week for 6 weeks and get tested.

If after 6 weeks you are still elevated go to .25 twice a week.

In other words, titrate up and not down as E2 is hard to rebound if you tank it.

Make sense?

Better safe than sorry in my book.

COol!! makes sense, so eventhough he proescribed .25 3times per week im just going to do it once a week...will do another test in six weeks and go from there! thanks so much for the info :D
You obviously need it, the problem with it is as was said, it's prescribed at more than is necessary. What I would do, .25mg once a week. I agree totally that symptoms are key, it's a little early but that number I think negates waiting for symptoms to appear. Also as said, start low and slow with it.
I wouldn't change anything else on your injections, take small steps, change one thing at a time.
you obviously need it, the problem with it is as was said, it's prescribed at more than is necessary. What i would do, .25mg once a week. I agree totally that symptoms are key, it's a little early but that number i think negates waiting for symptoms to appear. Also as said, start low and slow with it.
I wouldn't change anything else on your injections, take small steps, change one thing at a time.

thank you!! Appreciate you guys suggestions and this site too ;)

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