As Vince Carter noted, you may have gone too long to where leydig cells are no longer receptive to the LH analog. So in that sense, yeah, you could technically say you're "primary", but it is more of a self induced situation, whereas the cycle shut your HPTA down, that in turn would shut the testes down. The two work in a symbiotic fashion through a negative feedback loop with each other. I don't know the details with your clomid or other compounds, or the timing and protocol, but yeah, I'm a believer that there is a 'window' to get these things back on track. Kind of a use it or lose it scenario.
Same with the HPT axis ... I believe it will only stay suppressed for so long before it won't be able to sustain GNrH production. I've seen and read enough threads from some of the other AAS related boards in the past, to know this is true, and many men find themselves on lifetime TRT, because they waited to long for PCT, and/or they did it incorrectly.