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AI and wearables: The new age of smart sex
"Wearable devices are increasingly being used to understand and improve male sexual dysfunctions," write the authors.
It is an exciting time in the field of sexual medicine as more interventions are incorporating AI and wearable technologies. It is important, however, to acknowledge the ethical considerations of the intimacy of the data being collected and the paramount responsibility to protect and utilize it appropriately. Survey data suggest that device users desire clear and concise privacy policies, so they feel more comfortable using these products.6 Additionally, although these devices are commercially available without need for a prescription, people of lower socioeconomic status will have limited access to these devices, as they do with health care in general.7 This may further divide medical management of marginalized communities. Our hope is that increasing consumer trust and education of these technologies may not only lead to more use recreationally, but a more thorough understanding of normal and abnormal sexual function, as well as more objective ways of evaluating treatment efficacy for sexual dysfunctions.