Agmatine Sulfate Benefits: Muscle Pumps, Nootropic, Pain Relief, Increased Insulin Sensitivity


Hi All-

I have recently started using Agmatine Sulfate as a pre-workout supplement and the muscle pumps are unbelievable. I have used (and still use) Arganine, but never really felt any actual "pump" in the gym, whereas with Agamatine at a dosage of 2 grams before an arm workout creates pumps so intense that it is hard to bend my elbows by the time I am done.

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More still: Agmatine benefits, dosage, and side effects

Note that for best pre-workout effects, do not mix it with Arganine as that seems to cancel the great pumps.
Strangely enough, it happened the first time, but since I had never really felt much of a pump from any of the pre-workout products I did not make the connection - figured it must just be an extra good gym day or something. But then I started to notice that every time I used it pre-workout, I got a great pump and since then I have experimented with just using creatine pre-workout - no real pump that I could feel and - then, next time Agmatine pre-workout and there is the pump again.

I notice it most on arm days, probably because it is easier to see and feel if you are getting a muscle pump or not vs, say leg or chest days. I have also experimented with mixing Agmatine with Arganine and/or Citruline and when I do I don't get the big pump that I get with Agmatine alone or just mixed with Beet powder.
Hi All-

I have recently started using Agmatine Sulfate as a pre-workout supplement and the muscle pumps are unbelievable. I have used (and still use) Arganine, but never really felt any actual "pump" in the gym, whereas with Agamatine at a dosage of 2 grams before an arm workout creates pumps so intense that it is hard to bend my elbows by the time I am done.

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Note that for best pre-workout effects, do not mix it with Arganine as that seems to cancel the great pumps.

Was pretty intrigued when I first read this post and decided it was something I wanted to try. Been on it two weeks now and I'm impressed with the results. The pumps are pretty good but it's the veins poppin' out that are amazing. I'm seeing veins stand out on the outside of my forearms, traps and shoulders that I never knew were there! Two fun things about this: The increase is gradual and it's pretty cool to see something new sprout with every arm and shoulder workout. Second, the veins don't go back into hiding after a workout. I can skip three workouts and they're still as prominent as they were in the last session. The brand I'm taking is Agma Gen and rates it as the best. I'm taking 1 1/2 scoops but am going to try increasing it to 2 scoops. (It's 1.6g per scoop) I'm stacking it with C4 pre-workout. Both really start to kick butt within 10 minutes. So far I'm really enjoying this stuff! Will keep updated.
A 3-4 weeks using at ~1/3tsp per preworkout and I don't see anything to write home about. In full disclosure I already use a preworkout drink plus most of Gene's stack with Arginine so it may have been futile to add this to all that.

Yes, Agmatine seem to only work (for the huge pumps anyway) by itself. There is research indicating that l-arginine, l-citrulline, yohimbine, D-aspartic acid and creatine may hinder agmatine absorption or effectiveness. I have tested this and found it to be true by mixing it with arganine and citrilune a few times and sure enough, no pump. Take it by itself, and the huge pump effect is back.
Yes, Agmatine seem to only work (for the huge pumps anyway) by itself. There is research indicating that l-arginine, l-citrulline, yohimbine, D-aspartic acid and creatine may hinder agmatine absorption or effectiveness. I have tested this and found it to be true by mixing it with arganine and citrilune a few times and sure enough, no pump. Take it by itself, and the huge pump effect is back.

I said I'd get back with an update on how I was doing with this stuff so here it is: It's absolutely AMAZING! Of all the supplements I've ever taken (and I've taken a lot!) this is hands down been the most effective. A little over three weeks ago I upped the dosage from one scoop to two. Wow. The pumps that were decent before are now incredible. This is the kind of thing I'd hoped I'd get from creatine but never did. And the veins! Yowsa! New ones popping up with every workout and older ones becoming much more pronounced. And they're staying that way. Last week I skipped a few workouts as well as the AgmaGen and happened to step in my gym without a shirt on, turned on the lights and caught myself in the mirror and was pretty blown away. I was pumped and vascular like I had just completed a workout! Also last week I had two doctors appointments spaced three days apart. One was my semi-annual with my HIV doc and the other was with my new Endocrinologist who is truly an incredible woman. Yes, WOMAN! At both appointments my blood pressure was lower and down to normal. It had been slightly elevated ever since I started TRT. I'm crediting AgmaGen for this. The little canister this stuff comes in is a bottomless pit. I've been on the same one since mid June and it's only half empty! It's not very expensive to begin with and being able to stretch it out like this makes it super economical. I just can't say enough about this product and hope all you guys will give it a try. As ERO has stated, there are certain things that may hinder agmatine's absorption. I haven't taken creatine for over a year as my levels were rather high and two different docs suggested I stop it. And I've never taken citrulline. The C4 pre-workout I take contains small amounts of creatine and arginine. I'm thinking of switching brands and will see if I can find one without this just so I can see if it makes any difference. Will keep ya'll updated!

This sounds really interesting, but my pre-workout (Jack3D) lists Yohimbe as an ingredient in their "proprietary blend"...and post-workout I always take about 5g Creatine, and a Critical Aminos mix which contains 100mg of L-Citrulline.

I know everyone reacts different, but do you think I would have to cut out pre-workout, as well as post, for this to have any effectiveness? I could see giving up Creatine with no hassle, but wouldn't really want to miss out on the energy boost from pre-workout, or stop getting my other BCAAs post-workout.
This sounds really interesting, but my pre-workout (Jack3D) lists Yohimbe as an ingredient in their "proprietary blend"...and post-workout I always take about 5g Creatine, and a Critical Aminos mix which contains 100mg of L-Citrulline.

I know everyone reacts different, but do you think I would have to cut out pre-workout, as well as post, for this to have any effectiveness? I could see giving up Creatine with no hassle, but wouldn't really want to miss out on the energy boost from pre-workout, or stop getting my other BCAAs post-workout.

I have found it to give the incredible pumps only when it is taken without any l-arginine, l-citrulline, yohimbine, D-aspartic acid or creatine. But I post-workout it should not matter - I mean, you already had your pump during the workout, right? I use it with a couple cups of coffee pre-workout and I am good to go.
I agree with ERO. That combo pumps you up. I cannot exceed more than 3-5 grams of creatine otherwise I get a bad bloat and GI issues, though.
I missed all of this when originally posted. Heck, for me, if this works, this could replace my Kre-Alkalyn, and L-Cittruline. Less stuff to take. Thanks for all the info, Ero I'm going to give it a try.
Im going to take a run at this by itself, atleast minus the NO2 stack of Gene's. I'll look at my bottle of pre-workout and consider if there's any interactions there, I think it's 99% caffeine though!

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