A Message From Nelson Vergel: Deletion/Closure of Threads and Posts

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A Message From Nelson Vergel

Recently a controversy has arisen regarding the deletion and closure of threads and posts on Excelmale. The language used by certain members was heated; it was said that Excelmale was indifferent to free speech, engaged in knee-jerk censorship, and was even becoming dictatorial in its approach to content management. Such charges bother me as I see them as an attack on my work, the work of our moderators, and the contributions of our membership. We volunteer our work and have been helping people educate themselves for no fee since 2014. The least we could ask is for decency and good manners in our territory.

Excelmale is a moderated forum. Personal attack is prohibited. So is any attack on racial, religious, national, gender/sexual identity, grounds. However, other posts will result in an intervention by our staff for reasons that may not be self-evident. I have to judge what best advances the Excelmale brand - the medical/scientific aspects of the EM brand, and the commercial aspects of the site. There are reasons that content is barred. Those reasons are not always going to be explored publicly. When a decision is made it must be respected.

No decision to close or delete a thread or post is never made lightly. Except on rare occasions, very rare, I always sign off on such a decision. I recognize that closure will always upset some members. I regret that but believe that Excelmale's goals are achieved through responsible moderation.

Finally, the suggestion that this is a totalitarian enterprise, a member suggested Excelmale was becoming something like North Korea, angered me. Guidelines exist and are enforced at Excelmale, as they are at any commercial enterprise. But to suggest that EM is in any way similar to a brutal, dictatorship is personally and professionally offensive.

Please read our code of conduct.

If you do not agree, delete your registration.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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