A bit different question about travel with HCG... backpacking

Backpacking in the backcountry and not having refrigeration.

Under some circumstances it may be possible to help keep it cool by using a cold pack and cooling with cold water, but this would require diligent work to:1-avoid contamination by surface water and 2- keep recharging cold pack for times when you're on the move 3- especially difficult in any hot climate

I am wondering if anyone has done this, and also whether single dose packaging of dry HCG is available anywhere. If you could mix your doses as needed, keeping a vial cold is moot.
Backpacking in the backcountry and not having refrigeration.

Under some circumstances it may be possible to help keep it cool by using a cold pack and cooling with cold water, but this would require diligent work to:1-avoid contamination by surface water and 2- keep recharging cold pack for times when you're on the move 3- especially difficult in any hot climate

I am wondering if anyone has done this, and also whether single dose packaging of dry HCG is available anywhere. If you could mix your doses as needed, keeping a vial cold is moot.
I'd simply drop HCG from your protocol for the duration of your trip. A week or two isn't going to impact things.
I also never use HCG on a trip or vacation. I never miss it, actually it's kind of nice not having to inject it.
A while back Vince posted a nice cold pack traveling insulin kit I think it was from Amazon. For me being primary I only take HCG for the aesthetics which I don't need in deer camp, haha.

For longer term trips would still have the challenges mentioned in the first post. If I ever regain the ability to do so, I still want to get out and do long through hikes of a month or more. And I don't wish to ever repeat what my balls have gone through from last December well into August before getting HCG! Ouch

For longer term trips would still have the challenges mentioned in the first post. If I ever regain the ability to do so, I still want to get out and do long through hikes of a month or more. And I don't wish to ever repeat what my balls have gone through from last December well into August before getting HCG! Ouch

Ah, like the 500+ mile Colorado Trail...
Well if you had some friends that could run support that would work. I don't think I would try to cache HCG with dry ice. I have read it is quite fragile, dropping or shaking the bottle can turn it to plain water.
they do have 1500iu ampoules which can be useful for something like this. personally i have used hcg for weeks not refrigerated and never had a problem. but this is at room temperature 75F not a hot outdoor climate so your mileage may vary.
they do have 1500iu ampoules which can be useful for something like this. personally i have used hcg for weeks not refrigerated and never had a problem. but this is at room temperature 75F not a hot outdoor climate so your mileage may vary.

I generally like to avoid hot weather for hiking, but sometimes you just get warm or hot days.

Are the 1500iu amps provided as dry material for mixing? That's about 2 weeks worth at my dosage so would pretty certainly degrade less over time on trail than larger amounts.
Looks like Defy has these 3000iu vials for about $28 in their store. I know I can go about a week without hcg and be fine; but for a longer trip, I think I may get a few of these.
I had a little brainstorm, seems 1500iu is the smallest amount possible to buy dry (from reliablerx). I could get some empty multi use vials, mix the 1500 in the ampule, then suck all of it out and inject into the new vial. I'm on E3D, so that would provide 4 doses which would cover me for 10 days from first shot to last, with 2 more days before mixing the next vial. Even if I couldn't keep it cool the entire 10 days, I'd lose less. And less chance of spoilage using over such a shorter term.

I guess I could also just buy bacteriostatic vials, use what's needed then empty and refill with the HCG solution.
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