Hi guys,
I take 100 mg split in to two injections (50 each) and 500 units of hcg split in 2 injections.
After 7 weeks, here are my results, 3.5 days after my last injection (I injected sunday evening, and tested Thursday morning):
Testosterone total = 571 ng per DL or 19.4 nmol/L
Free Test = 0.604nmol/L - a bit high, 3% of my total T which should be fine.
E2 = 25 pg/mL
My pre T levels were around 250 tested multiple times, always came up as 250-300s max.
Now I am asking, should I slightly increase dosage? I was going to increase to 60 mg twice per week starting this Monday and increase hcg to 300 units twice per week and stay there for a good while.
I would only increase the hcg once my wife and I start to try to have a kid.
All other markers are fine, nothing to take notice of.
Thanks guys
Now I am asking, should I slightly increase dosage? I was going to increase to 60 mg twice per week starting this Monday and increase hcg to 300 units twice per week and stay there for a good while.
We already went through this in one of your previous threads.
You are still not understanding how this works.
Why would you even consider increasing your dose 7 weeks in as again when starting TTh or tweaking a protocol (increasing/decreasing dose T, manipulating injection frequency) it will take 4-6 weeks for blood levels to stabilize (TC/TE).
Hormones will be in FLUX during the weeks leading up until blood levels have stabilized and it is COMMON for one to experience ups/downs during the transition as the body is trying to adjust.
Even then once blood levels have stabilized (4-6 weeks) it will still take a few more months for the body to adapt to its new set-point and this is the critical time when one needs to gauge how they truly feel overall regarding relief/improvement of low-t symptoms and overall well being.
Every protocol needs to be given a fighting chance (12 weeks) before claiming whether it was a success or failure let alone tweaking the protocol (dose of T/injection frequency).
Again no one should be increasing their dose 7 weeks in unless your true trough was too low, highly doubtful in most cases!
The testing method relied upon in Canada is the linear law-of-mass action cFTV.
Critical point here is looking over your most recent labs you are hitting a descent trough TT 571 ng/dL and your SHBG is most likely lowish seeing a you are hitting a higher-end trough FT 17.4 ng/dL.
Do you have room to increase your dose slightly and bring up your trough FT, sure but again would not even consider making such move 7 weeks in!
You need to stop getting caught up on this needing to hit a trough FT 20 -30 ng/dL.
Most healthy young males are hitting a cFTV 13-15 ng/dL and this is a short-lived peak!
A trough cFTV 30 ng/dL would be absurdly high.
Show me a healthy young natty male walking around with a high-end TT let alone 1000+ with FT through the roof that has low/lowish SHBG.
Such does not exist!
Again tread lightly on this so called needing to run a high/absurdly high trough FT level!
Always need to keep trough/injection frequency in mind!
Huge difference between one hitting a trough FT 20-30 ng/dL injecting once weekly vs EOD or daily!
post #6
Hello all, Could anyone tell me what nornal testosterone levels are please? I see that there doesnt seem a great deal of agreement for testosterone levels from difference source. And yes, I do know that testosterone level do decrease with age. Thanks as always, great place.
A standardized Equilibrium Dialysis assay would be considered the most accurate/reliable when it comes to testing free testosterone!
*We have determined mFT reference ranges in healthy men aged 25 to 69
Age category (years)
Median mFT (ng/dl)
95% mFT reference range (ng/dl)
25-29 (n=148)
5.6 - 17.1
30-39 (n=252)
4.9 - 18.1
40-49 (n=207)
4.3 - 13.5
50-59 (n=146)
3.8 - 12.6
60-69 (n=114)
3.3 - 11.9
Read over all my replies especially post # 68/69!
Youtuber VitruvianPhysique had good videos discussing T levels of natural bodybuilders. VigorousSteve measured recently 734 ng/dl half-naturally on 3x 1000 IU HCG / week. And Bayer used to have good unit converter/calculator on their Nebido info page with sign of normal range close to...