38 y/o TRT


New Member
I was reading the forum for a while. Decided to join for clarification. Been pinning 25g 1/2" into SubQ and Shallow IM into the ventro. Seems like I need to choose muscle or fat and not both. Using Test Cyp and last 3 weeks been on a IM.2 SQ.2 SQ.1 SQ.2 SQ.2 IM.1 ml schedule. I read that SubQ produces less estrogen and its why ive done more pins to my belly area. My nipples are sensitive to E2 so I was choosing that route more but the knots I get in the stomach area are annoying. Will be starting HCG 500iu 2x week soon as well. Maybe the whole estrogen aromatase rate is subjective and maybe the ventro and shoulder is where i need to be on and stay on. Thanks for reading and helping me out
SQ is overrated and and produces more symptoms on average than IM. My opinion, SQ should only be attempted is you’re low body fat. I got what felt like an inflammatory response what I thought was high estrogen.

My current protocol, oral Jatenzo at 237 mg twice daily no doubt estrogen is high and no symptoms.
SQ for some men produces more estrogen and lower testosterone when compared to IM at the same dosage.
This is not what most men should expect. The slower absorption rate of SQ injections typically means that peak estradiol is lower and trough testosterone is higher; compared to IM, SQ dampens the variations in serum hormone levels.

SQ isn't overrated if you don't want to be poking holes in your muscles indefinitely. I'd call it the preferred method if injection site reactions are no worse than with IM. But in the end it's a personal choice. Use the method you perceive to be better overall.
I want to keep E2 at bay. I rather have little knots in my stomach than for my serum to be whacky with E2. I rather switch completely to SQ if thats best overall. I will find other areas of fat
TRT vs Performance and bodybuilding are 2 diff arenas.
There’s not many men willing to inject huge amounts of test SQ, that’s the limitation.

Fewer men are even doing SQ, more are doing IM. at least of these forums. I see some clinics only have 25% of the patients doing SQ not entirely because it produces better results but because some guys are wimps and won’t inject IM.
Well no hijacking the thread guys. Opinions stated. Move on with the name calling and bickering. Lets keep it on the subject please. After some consideration Im thinking of shallow IM.
I've been doing SubQ into belly fat for years now. I'll never go back to the painful IM shots. I did experience the "hard knots" at first, but someone on another forum said to use 1/2" syringe and "bury the needle", ie : dent the skin by pushing it deeper. I've never got another knot since. I've never seen one wit of difference in my labs as far as total T, free T or E2 between IM and SubQ.
I had a bad experience with SubQ: after 3 months on SubQ (only 87.5mg/wk): lower TT, higher E2, lower libido, high PB. Shallow IM fixed that. For me it's more comfortable than SubQ, I could do Shallow IM daily if I needed to.
Been doing 1/2" 25g pin to shoulders & its great.
Blood work

887 Total T; 308 Free T; 38 T3 Uptake; 26 BUN; 1.17 Creatinine: HIGH

92 Glucose; 63 Estradiol; 7 Prolactin; 144 Cholesterol; 59 Triglycerides; 98 LDL: NORMAL

7 SHBG; 0.2 LH; 0.7 FSH; 32 HDL: LOW

I started HCG 250iu 4x a week a week after this test.
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You might try relying more on published literature.

Ok, we'll leave IM to you tough guys. But if SC is for wimps then oral must really be for sissies.

Cataceous you scoundrel.

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