3 weeks in nipple sensitivity chest tenderness


New Member
Hey guys brand new to TRT. My current protocol is Testosterone cypionate 200mg/ml - 0.35ml intramuscularly/subcutaneously two times weekly. I’ve noticed on my third week I have some tenderness to to my chest/ nipples. They aren’t sensitive to the touch but kind of just feel funky without being touched. Slightly tingly and burn kind of like when they get sunburnt. I was given an AI .125 to take only if needed (was told not to take unless needed). Is this a normal feeling when first starting? Kind of getting myself worked up and scared about gyno but don’t want to take the AI if not needed. I don’t get labs for another 2 months. Thanks for the help.
I take .25 AI twice a week. Test Cyp 100mg split into two times a week. I am doing well. My Estrogen not too high or low with this dosage. I take AI same day I take test cyp. I aslo have low SHBG, 15-20. Every person is different and metabolize differently. I never had gyno issue. You should post your lab work result, like TT, FT, SHBG and estradial May be someone can help.
Hey guys brand new to TRT. My current protocol is Testosterone cypionate 200mg/ml - 0.35ml intramuscularly/subcutaneously two times weekly. I’ve noticed on my third week I have some tenderness to to my chest/ nipples. They aren’t sensitive to the touch but kind of just feel funky without being touched. Slightly tingly and burn kind of like when they get sunburnt. I was given an AI .125 to take only if needed (was told not to take unless needed). Is this a normal feeling when first starting? Kind of getting myself worked up and scared about gyno but don’t want to take the AI if not needed. I don’t get labs for another 2 months. Thanks for the help.

You are only 3 weeks in and the body is trying to adjust as T levels are increasing.

Increased nipple sensitivity can happen in some.

If you are experiencing swelling/pain or tenderness it can be early signs of gynecomastia developing but in many cases, it will only happen to the genetically prone and is rare when using therapeutic doses of T.

As long as you do not feel a lump/rubbery mass when squeezing then I would not jump to any conclusions as of yet as your hormones are in flux.

GM can be unilateral or bilateral, most commonly the latter (Nuttall, 1979; Mieritz et al., 2017). GM has to be distinguished from pseudogynecomastia (i.e., lipomastia), which is characterized by excess fat deposition without glandular proliferation.

Figure 5 Technique and findings in breast palpation. Reprinted by permission from Massachusetts Medical Society, The New England Journal of Medicine, Gynecomastia, Braunstein (2007).

Screenshot (3791).png

Keep in mind many fail to realize that when starting trt that not only will your hpta shutdown (2-6 weeks) depending on dose T but hormones will be in flux during the weeks leading up until blood levels stabilize (4-6 weeks) and it is common for many during this transition to experience what we call the honeymoon period where there may be a strong increase in libido/erections and overall euphoric feeling due to increasing T levels/dopamine.

Unfortunately, this is temporary and short-lived for most as the body will eventually adjust.

It is also very common for many men to experience ups/downs in energy/mood/libido/erections/recovery during the transition as the body is trying to adjust which can be very misleading.

Even then do understand that once blood levels have stabilized (4-6 weeks) it will take another 2-3 months for the body to fully adapt to those new levels and this is the critical time period when one should gauge how they truly feel overall regarding relief/improvement of low-t symptoms.

When looking at the big picture the first 4-6 weeks is very misleading for most!

2-3 months after blood levels have stabilized if you continue to feel great overall and blood markers remain healthy then one can truly claim that your protocol is effective!

Patience is key.

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