25 years old and considering TRT


New Member
Hey everyone,

This is my first post on the site. I have done my research, read a good bit on the forums here and am looking for advice from you guys. At 25 years old, with a chronic health condition, my total testosterone is at 300 ng/dL. I am suffering from a myriad of health issues including cognitive and memory difficulties, non-existent libido, sexual dysfunction and systemic inflammation just to name a few. I no longer have the fire that a male in their 20's should possess. I am considering going on TRT and have talked with my doctor extensively on the subject. This is obviously a big decision for me and I am a little apprehensive to make the move, but know it would likely improve my quality of life greatly. Just wondering if anyone has any advice for me, whether that be someone around my age with replacement experience, or someone with experience at all.

Thanks guys.
Welcome to the forum heyguise. A chronic condition, especially if it induced the hypogonadism, might mean that there is less indication for a man to try the usual alternatives first. It sounds like your doc is supportive of TRT and that the hypo is related to your underlying challenge.

Even if your primary doc is supportive you may wish to engage a specialist to help you manage your endocrine health. Specific T serum goals need to be discussed, hCG should be considered as a part of your HRT. Aside from all the reasons to include it, as mentioned in the sticky, hCG has recently been reported to lessen pain.

I'm fairly certain that you'll want to do something about low T soon and that when you do you will begin enjoying a much higher quality of life. The key is not to put yourself through the roller coaster ride of non-adherence if you go with HRT. There is a natural tendency to slack off once you begin to feel better. That's really the biggest challenge not the actual dosing.

Waiting puts you at high risk of bone loss and other irreversible and serious health conditions. Make a choice and forge ahead. you'll be glad you did.
My 2-cents is that you get a TRT specialist if you are going forward. There is no "good enough" with TRT, either your doc is up on the latest or he/she is not and most of the guys having TRT issues have a doc that that falls into that camp.

Welcome! I am in a somewhat similar boat as you in that I'm 31 and leery of the long-term commitment and the unkown (and unknowable) potential complications.

I've been monitoring my blood work for about 16 months with as yet mediocre results attempting to increase my T naturally, so I am still considering TRT. It's a big decision and one that all clinicians and patients advise that you ruminate on carefully, as it's something you ordinarily would stop unless you responded poorly or had unmanageable complications. Think of it as marriage and you don't believe in divorce, I've been told.

You haven't shared details on your chronic condition, but as Re-ride mentions, that may be a reason that TRT is indicated as a quality of life measure.

There are lots of guys here, many with lots of great experience. Please continue to post and ask questions.

One final note: I would second ERO's comments that if you go the TRT route, it's worth making sure you find a high quality prescribing doctor, as many of the poor experiences and lousy TRT outcomes likely come from bad protocols. Ensuring you have a well trained clinician at your side may be the difference between a great experience and a poor one.

Best of luck!
Hey guys,

Thank you so much for your input. Reading each of your posts is giving me that much more confidence to make my decision. I have an appointment tomorrow to discuss my options and will post as soon as I have more insight. My PCP is extremely well-versed in TRT, so I am very confident in that respect. I completely changed my lifestyle about two years ago and have done everything within my power to raise my T naturally, unfortunately to no avail. My health condition is definitely relevant, but very personal. It was the original cause of my hypogonadism, along with emotional trauma and stress exacerbating my symptoms. It is unclear whether my endocrine system will ever function optimally on its own, or anywhere close to optimal. So, that is where my hesitation lies, along with the ups and downs of TRT. Obviously if I decide to go the replacement route, it is a lifelong commitment. I am sick of waiting and definitely going to make a definitive decision soon. I know it will greatly improve my life overall, so what am I waiting for right? That's just it, I was waiting for a "miracle" to happen and for me to feel better naturally, but not anymore. I am ready to take complete control of my life, so I can begin thriving once more. From all my reading, it may take a few months to get the dosage right, but once you do I have seen a lot of men saying, "I wish I had made this decision years ago." I have been deeply contemplating this decision for two years now and I really think it's time I pull the trigger. I am a very persistent and consistent individual. So if and when I decide to make the move, I will completely adhere to treatment for the rest of my life and give it my 200% to always feel the best I possibly can. From my research, I would definitely go the injection route. I don't really have any problem with needles and have read about the poor absorption rate of the gels. Although, I do know that everyone is unique and things work differently for each specific person. I appreciate all your input and any more specific information or experience that you can provide is infinitely valuable.
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