19 years old, low testosterone

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tacc est

Hey guys! (Sry for some grammatical issues, my native language isnt English)
I have just joined the forum, but I was on this site several times ago and have read some interesting articles (how long till test effects are significant, ...).

After months, actually more or less years of researching I read lots of articles describing the symptoms of low T. They fit to my situation, so I went to the doc and got blood tested 3 times.
Here are my blood tests:

Blood Test 1 (5.30 pm)
LH 2.7 mU/ml (1.5-9.3)
Prolactin 7.6 ng/ml (2.5-17.0)
Testosterone 2.79 ng/ml (3.00-8.27)

Blood Test 2 (10 am)
free T4 1.24 ng/dl (0.89-1.76)
T3 97 ng/dl (60-181)
TSH 1.47 µU/ml (0,40-4.00)
Prolactin 8.8ng/ml (2.5-17.0)
Testosterone 3.29 ng/ml (3.00-8.27)

Blood Test 3 (02.15 pm)
LH 2.4 mU/ml (1.5-9.3)
FSH 4.0 mU/ml (1.5-20.4)
E2 22.5pg/ml (11.9-39.8)
Testosterone 3.11ng/ml (3.00-8.27)

As you can see, my testosterone is somewhat low for a 19 year old teenager.
The doc let me choose between enanthate and nebido, my current protocol is test E 250mg/2weeks.
Well the thing is, I am on my 7th week of TRT now and I cant rly tell if it has affected me or not. I still feel slightly depressed from time to time, not much motivation, sometimes yawning the whole day altough I got 9-10 hours of sleep.I still act socially awkward and don't see energy improvements. The only apparent things I can see is that I got a bit acne on my back and my face got pimples and my sexdrive has improved (I can jerk off a lot more now, but sometimes I cant get to an orgasm, have errectile disfunction

What could be the problem?
Could it be that it takes longer, because my body didnt have enough testosterone trough my whole puberty??

I am desperated, TRT is my last hope for a better life. While nearly every teenager is outgoing, having fun with other people in many aspects (you know what I mean), collecting lots of amazing experiences, I am just shy, unmotivated to do so and have to fight with symptoms of low T and the costs of TRT. It sucks so hard.

I dont know if I should drink alcohol. On the one side I probably shouldnt, ( I dont know how much it affects TRT, but most guys on the net say it doesnt affect you more than a guy with normal natural t levels) on the other side it is just awkward not drinking alcohol as a teen. Actually I want to drink some alcohhol on parties (community feeling, it just feels good), even tho I am not often in clubs and so on.

I hope you can give me some answers to my problem, I would rly appreciate it.
Hey guys! (Sry for some grammatical issues, my native language isnt English)
I have just joined the forum, but I was on this site several times ago and have read some interesting articles (how long till test effects are significant, ...).

After months, actually more or less years of researching I read lots of articles describing the symptoms of low T. They fit to my situation, so I went to the doc and got blood tested 3 times.
Here are my blood tests:

Blood Test 1 (5.30 pm)
LH 2.7 mU/ml (1.5-9.3)
Prolactin 7.6 ng/ml (2.5-17.0)
Testosterone 2.79 ng/ml (3.00-8.27)

Blood Test 2 (10 am)
free T4 1.24 ng/dl (0.89-1.76)
T3 97 ng/dl (60-181)
TSH 1.47 µU/ml (0,40-4.00)
Prolactin 8.8ng/ml (2.5-17.0)
Testosterone 3.29 ng/ml (3.00-8.27)

Blood Test 3 (02.15 pm)
LH 2.4 mU/ml (1.5-9.3)
FSH 4.0 mU/ml (1.5-20.4)
E2 22.5pg/ml (11.9-39.8)
Testosterone 3.11ng/ml (3.00-8.27)

As you can see, my testosterone is somewhat low for a 19 year old teenager.
The doc let me choose between enanthate and nebido, my current protocol is test E 250mg/2weeks.
Well the thing is, I am on my 7th week of TRT now and I cant rly tell if it has affected me or not. I still feel slightly depressed from time to time, not much motivation, sometimes yawning the whole day altough I got 9-10 hours of sleep.I still act socially awkward and don't see energy improvements. The only apparent things I can see is that I got a bit acne on my back and my face got pimples and my sexdrive has improved (I can jerk off a lot more now, but sometimes I cant get to an orgasm, have errectile disfunction

What could be the problem?
Could it be that it takes longer, because my body didnt have enough testosterone trough my whole puberty??

I am desperated, TRT is my last hope for a better life. While nearly every teenager is outgoing, having fun with other people in many aspects (you know what I mean), collecting lots of amazing experiences, I am just shy, unmotivated to do so and have to fight with symptoms of low T and the costs of TRT. It sucks so hard.

I dont know if I should drink alcohol. On the one side I probably shouldnt, ( I dont know how much it affects TRT, but most guys on the net say it doesnt affect you more than a guy with normal natural t levels) on the other side it is just awkward not drinking alcohol as a teen. Actually I want to drink some alcohhol on parties (community feeling, it just feels good), even tho I am not often in clubs and so on.

I hope you can give me some answers to my problem, I would rly appreciate it.

Welcome to Excelmale. You are on a terrible protocol, one that I am confident will fail to bring you the relief you're looking for. Simply put, you will have cleared the testosterone you injected well before your next shot...and spend a few days being miserable before the process starts all over again.

You had had inadequate testing. Was SHBG measured? Was a re-start protocol, given your age, discussed? What discussions about your fertility were conducted?

You have yet yet to get the care you need. Where do you live?
Thanks for your fast answer!

Even tho I have read about the half lifes of the common esters, I thought the protocol would be kinda ok, because of the 250mg (probably naive, yeah). I will graduate from college this year and I have to go to the doc by bus. This takes arround 3 hours for just getting the injection and then going home. That is the reason, I decided for taking it.

SHBG wasnt measured. Of course he informed me about fertility, he analysed 2 sperm tests before TRT. Simply put, I am infertile, my sperm count is really low.

I have read only a bit about re-start protocols, I know what they are aiming for, but what are you going to do exactly on this protocols? And no, we didn't.

You have yet yet to get the care you need. You mean time?

I live in Austria, our general healthcare is actually really good, but when it comes to TRT we are somewhat far behind.
Well yeah more or less, he analysed my blood and sperm tests. He said my LH and FSH would be ok (altough I thought it should be higher).
He told me that my testicles are the cause for my low testosterone. The size is ok, but somehow they arent working properly, he said. No he didnt, i know about clomid and hcg tho.
Well yeah more or less, he analysed my blood and sperm tests. He said my LH and FSH would be ok (altough I thought it should be higher).
He told me that my testicles are the cause for my low testosterone. The size is ok, but somehow they arent working properly, he said. No he didnt, i know about clomid and hcg tho.

First, it must be very hard for you....I didn't get low T until I was 47, 19 is very tough. I would like to emphasize what others have said: First, have you attempted a re start (or in your case a start) using a SERM like Clomid or Tamoxifen?

It is possible that doing so could work for you. Do you have
Varicocele(s) in your testicles? They cause problems.

A bi weekly injection schedule is horrible. You will spike a bit, then dip massively.

Your doc probably read somewhere about a half life and came up with that ignorant schedule.

I need to inject e4d to have stable labels. I am a fast processor, you may be able to go a bit longer, say 5 or 6 days.

My suggestion is to A, get a better doc, and B inject 100mgs e5d.

Please keep us posted on your progress.
No, I haven't. At the beginning of discussing the protocol I have asked him once about clomid I think (yeah, sounds kinda shaky, but my low T has rly affected my short-term memory in some ways). I am not sure, if I asked him about HCG or clomid. But what I am sure about is, that I asked him about my infertility. I asked him, if HCG could make me infertile again and he told me, that the chances are very low.

I am sure I don't have varicoceles in my testicles. He touched my testicles several times and he didnt found anything.

It is difficult to get a better doc.
As I mentioned, Austria is somewhat far behind when it comes to TRT. My doc's website is actually really famous and he seems really experienced to me, but annother time I can't comprehend his decisions.

The thing is, I am sure, he would actually lower my schedule if I asked him to. At the moment I have to study a lot, because there is examination time so I really don't want to lower it. I haven't told my parents about it so far, that's annother reason I don't want to change the protocol.
I have read many articles to the half life of esters some said the schedule is terrible and some others said it is ok.
I have also read that one:
I cant post the link so far, but someone on ExcelMale made a post containing this link in "Basic & Questions", "Half life of testosterone esters".
But actually I am sure, a shorter injection time protocol would be better.

What if I just stopped TRT now? Would my testosterone level fall harshly? How long would it take to recover? My testicles haven't shrunked so far, luckily. I know the decision would probably have some consequences, but atm I dont know what to do and maybe it would be better to start TRT or clomid therapy at a later moment again (and then longer ofc).

Am I allowed to mention an TRT UK Company here? Americans won't use the service anyway, because it wouldnt make sense.
Well, I thought several times about going with it. You purchase a blood test kit from them, you send it back and they analyse it. Then someone of the docs will put together a protocol, which fits your needs. They adjust it from time to time and send you a package containing the ampules or whatever. I would have to pay for transport costs then, but the test is a lot cheaper in comparison to the test E i get from my doc (30€ for 250mg). The services provides Sustanon 250 mg for half the price.
I wrote them an email once, they said clomid would probably fit well to me. I told them my background, that's why.
No, I haven't. At the beginning of discussing the protocol I have asked him once about clomid I think (yeah, sounds kinda shaky, but my low T has rly affected my short-term memory in some ways). I am not sure, if I asked him about HCG or clomid. But what I am sure about is, that I asked him about my infertility. I asked him, if HCG could make me infertile again and he told me, that the chances are very low.

I am sure I don't have varicoceles in my testicles. He touched my testicles several times and he didnt found anything.

It is difficult to get a better doc.
As I mentioned, Austria is somewhat far behind when it comes to TRT. My doc's website is actually really famous and he seems really experienced to me, but annother time I can't comprehend his decisions.

The thing is, I am sure, he would actually lower my schedule if I asked him to. At the moment I have to study a lot, because there is examination time so I really don't want to lower it. I haven't told my parents about it so far, that's annother reason I don't want to change the protocol.
I have read many articles to the half life of esters some said the schedule is terrible and some others said it is ok.
I have also read that one:
I cant post the link so far, but someone on ExcelMale made a post containing this link in "Basic & Questions", "Half life of testosterone esters".
But actually I am sure, a shorter injection time protocol would be better.

What if I just stopped TRT now? Would my testosterone level fall harshly? How long would it take to recover? My testicles haven't shrunked so far, luckily. I know the decision would probably have some consequences, but atm I dont know what to do and maybe it would be better to start TRT or clomid therapy at a later moment again (and then longer ofc).

Am I allowed to mention an TRT UK Company here? Americans won't use the service anyway, because it wouldnt make sense.
Well, I thought several times about going with it. You purchase a blood test kit from them, you send it back and they analyse it. Then someone of the docs will put together a protocol, which fits your needs. They adjust it from time to time and send you a package containing the ampules or whatever. I would have to pay for transport costs then, but the test is a lot cheaper in comparison to the test E i get from my doc (30€ for 250mg). The services provides Sustanon 250 mg for half the price.
I wrote them an email once, they said clomid would probably fit well to me. I told them my background, that's why.

First things first: You illustrate why many people turn to the black market and or other options. Having said that, I cannot recommend that you do anything illegal and I cannot help you directly. It angers me to see cases such as yours.

This advice is therefore purely theoretical, it is not medical advice. First, you absolutely must search and find another doctor. Follow up on the source you just mentioned. ANY DOC WHO RECOMMENDS A ONCE EVERY 14 DAY INJECTION SCHEDULE IS AN IDIOT!!! I cannot emphasize that enough.

Your doc is a fool, I am sorry. His actions constitute malpractice, IMO.

Having said that, you absolutely should be on a more frequent injection schedule. E5D if possible.

Injecting e14d has unfortunately shut your natural production down. Were you to stop cold turkey you will be cast into an endocrine hell fire. Your estrogen is probably elevated. You need to do a proper pct or find a way to be on an e5d injection schedule.

You must keep searching for a doctor who can help you.
Well yeah more or less, he analysed my blood and sperm tests. He said my LH and FSH would be ok (altough I thought it should be higher).
He told me that my testicles are the cause for my low testosterone. The size is ok, but somehow they arent working properly, he said. No he didnt, i know about clomid and hcg tho.

This is is even more puzzling. He diagnosed you with primary hypogonadism despite LH and FSH values that don't point to that?
This is is even more puzzling. He diagnosed you with primary hypogonadism despite LH and FSH values that don't point to that?

Yeah, he did. I was also a bit surprised about his statement, but I thought it could be because my sperm count is so low. When I do think about it now, it actually should be the low FSH that leads to that problem. Probably I have trusted him too much...

My LH and FSH should be in the 7-9 and 15-20 area, right?
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First things first: You illustrate why many people turn to the black market and or other options. Having said that, I cannot recommend that you do anything illegal and I cannot help you directly. It angers me to see cases such as yours.

This advice is therefore purely theoretical, it is not medical advice. First, you absolutely must search and find another doctor. Follow up on the source you just mentioned. ANY DOC WHO RECOMMENDS A ONCE EVERY 14 DAY INJECTION SCHEDULE IS AN IDIOT!!! I cannot emphasize that enough.

Your doc is a fool, I am sorry. His actions constitute malpractice, IMO.

Having said that, you absolutely should be on a more frequent injection schedule. E5D if possible.

Injecting e14d has unfortunately shut your natural production down. Were you to stop cold turkey you will be cast into an endocrine hell fire. Your estrogen is probably elevated. You need to do a proper pct or find a way to be on an e5d injection schedule.

You must keep searching for a doctor who can help you.

Yeah, you might be right...
Am I allowed to post the TRT online clinic? I know the basic rules of forums, but I am not familiar with that one so far. It is similiar to Primebody.

Because I will probably go with it, because I am not sure if there is a single good doc in my next country when it comes to TRT (0.2 million ppl).
Yeah, you might be right...
Am I allowed to post the TRT online clinic? I know the basic rules of forums, but I am not familiar with that one so far. It is similiar to Primebody.

Because I will probably go with it, because I am not sure if there is a single good doc in my next country when it comes to TRT (0.2 million ppl).
You can post the name of the clinic, along with where you live. We have had limited success in linking our members in Europe to good doctors, butnwendomtry.
You can post the name of the clinic, along with where you live. We have had limited success in linking our members in Europe to good doctors, butnwendomtry.

So as mentioned, I live in Austria. The more specific destination isn't needed, I guess. The company is called BalancemyHormones, I could explain their service in detail now, but I think it's better visiting their website if you want more information. Their headquarters are in UK.
I know of them because of annother informative Youtuber, Paolo Broccardo. He lives in the United Kingdoms and uses the service with sucess.
Was at my doc again today, ordered a blood test (he never asked for it) and asked him if I can do injections from home. He said he doesnt like it, because he had some patients doing it and then they did it wrong and bleed?!
I am excited to see my trought level and will tell you about it, if you are interested as well.

By the way, he gave me test u last time for whatever reason. He told me after the injection. Can't find annother doc.

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