Please help review my first set of lab results after 14 weeks of TRT treatment. I would really appreciate it. Protocol: 200mg of test cyp split twice per week. 500mg HCG twice per week the day after each pin along with .50 Armidex. I feel ok but a do get some brain fog and slight fatigue. Libido and erections have improved but still not the best. Here are my results:
- atelet
WBC 4.9
RBC 5.56
Hemoglobin 16.8
Hematocrit 51.1
MCV 92
MCH 30.2
MCHC 32.9
RDW 12.91
Platelets 232
Neutrophils 49
Lymphs 30
Monocytes 7
Eos 12
Basos 2
Neutrophils (Absolute) 2.4
Lymphs (Absolute) 1.4
Monocytes(Absolute) 0.3
Eos (Absolute) 0.6
Baso (Absolute) 0.1
Immature Granulocytes 0
Immature Grans (Abs) 0.0
Comp. Metabolic Panel (14)
Glucose 112
BUN 13
Creatinine 1.33
eGFR If NonAfricn Am 66
eGFR If Africn Am 77
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 10
Sodium 139
Potassium 4.9
Chloride 100
Carbon Dioxide, Total 25
Calcium 9.7
Protein, Total 6.8
Albumin 4.5
Globulin, Total 2.3
A/G Ratio 2.0
Bilirubin, Total 0.5
Alkaline Phosphatase 50
Testosterone, Free+Total LC/MS
Testosterone, Total, LC/MS 1082.5
Free Testosterone(Direct) 24.7
Estradiol, Sensitive 23.7