Low Prolactin Is Associated with Sexual Dysfunction & Psychological/Metabolic Issues

Nelson Vergel

Founder, ExcelMale.com
I caution men who are using cabergoline to be careful not to bring their prolactin down too low. Men use cabergoline to decrease their prolactin after a study showed that this would improve orgasms, but now a new study shows that too low of a prolactin blood level can create problems.

"Sexual problems in men may be linked to low levels of the hormone prolactin, according to a new study. The finding is perhaps surprising because experts have traditionally thought prolactin, which stimulates breast development and milk production in women, impairs men's sexual functioning at high levels.In the new study, researchers looked at nearly 3,000 European men ages 40 to 79, and measured their testosterone and prolactin levels, body mass indexes (BMIs), and blood cholesterol and sugar levels. The participants filled out questionnaires about their general health, smoking, alcohol consumption and sexual functioning."


Low Prolactin Is Associated with Sexual Dysfunction and Psychological or Metabolic Disturbances in Middle-Aged and Elderly Men: The European Male Aging Study (EMAS)



We previously reported that in male patients consulting for sexual dysfunction, low prolactin (PRL) levels were associated with metabolic syndrome (MetS), arteriogenic erectile dysfunction, and incident major cardiovascular events.


The aim of this study is to assess the clinical associations of PRL levels in the European Male Ageing Study (EMAS).


EMAS is a prospective, observational cohort of community-dwelling men aged 40–79 years old (mean age 60 ± 11 years old). PRL was available for 2,948 men.

Main Outcome Measures

Different parameters were evaluated including the Short Form-36 questionnaire, Becks Depression Inventory, the Adverse Life Events Scale, the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly, and the EMAS sexual function questionnaire (EMAS-SFQ).


After the adjustment for confounders, PRL levels were inversely related with worsening of sexual function as compared with the previous year, as derived from change in sexual functioning domain of the EMAS-SFQ (adj. r = −0.043; P = 0.029). The strongest correlation (Wald = 6.840; P = 0.009) was observed between lower PRL levels and reduced enjoyment of orgasmic experiences. Furthermore, an inverse relationship between PRL levels and stressful life events or depressive symptoms was observed. Low PRL was also negatively associated with an unhealthy metabolic phenotype as well as with the MetS (Wald = 5.229; P = 0.022). In line with these data, low PRL was associated with a lower level of physical activity and feeling unhealthier.


Low PRL is related to several metabolic, psychological, and sexual unhealthy characteristics in European men. Checking PRL might be useful to stratify men for cardiovascular risk and to encourage appropriate lifestyle changes.

Corona G, Wu FC, Rastrelli G, Lee DM, Forti G, O'Connor DB, O'Neill TW, Pendleton N, Bartfai G, Boonen S, Casanueva FF, Finn JD, Huhtaniemi IT, Kula K, Punab M, Vanderschueren D, Rutter M, Maggi M, and the EMAS Study Group. Low prolactin is associated with sexual dysfunction and psychological or metabolic disturbances in middle aged and elderly men: The European Male Aging Study (EMAS). J Sex Med, Oct 29,2013
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Dr. Eugene Shippen, one of the greatest minds in anti aging medicine and men's health has prescribed a low dose of Cabergoline as a way to increase libido and sexual health in men for years who have suffered a decline in both.

There are other Physicians who are aware of this as well.

I have taken .25 mg of Cabergoline twice a week and my libido has increased significantly as well as orgasm intensity.

As long as Prolactin stays at a healthy level with this low dose and the man sees the same subjective effects than all the power to them!

Remember, Cabergoline is a Dopamine agonist which is why libido is increased and why orgasm intensity so increased.

A man needs blood work to determine if they are indicated for this therapy first and foremost...but like I said, there are some of the greatest minds who prescribe this therapy with great success in there men.

Good info......my libido is fine. Orgasm intensity is ok to great depending on many factors Largest factor that has impacted it is reduction in ejaculate volume I've been told TRT along with doxasosin volume is reduced. Accurate? Any way to increase it?

Still struggle with sleep......dopamine is a big component of that......so reducing it not a great option. Eight now trying to increase it actually to Eli sleep
Cabergoline as a dopamine agonist improves available dopamine levels in the body, correct? I don't recall the numbers, but my Prolactin levels tested very high normal and my doctor prescribed me Selegiline (l-deprenyl), very low dose (5mg twice a day). Selegiline reduces the metabolism of dopamine to maintain higher levels biologically active. From what I understand, increasing dopamine results in the lowering of prolactin (and vice versa)... and obviously the concept of moderation is key! I have noted that (along with a now mid-range prolactin level) that things are doing quite well.
resurrecting this subject....

how is low prolactin treated? Can prolactin be raised...there's much more talk about high Prolactin and using drugs like Caber to treat it, but how to raise it?

One and only test I've had: 5.3 (2-18)

Reason I ask is having attained basically normal hormone levels, optimized TRT, sex drive remains very bland. Interest in the opposite sex is good, but ability to act on it is....meh.
I am interested in this as well. Multiple Prolactin tests over the years always show me in the 5-7 area where 2-18 is normal. Maybe if there was a way to raise it somewhat my libido would improve from the low level it has remained for the 5 years I have been on TRT.
Metoclopramide is the generic name for Reglan, a drug used when patients with diabetes have a GI track that stops moving food through.
Dr. Eugene Shippen, one of the greatest minds in anti aging medicine and men's health has prescribed a low dose of Cabergoline as a way to increase libido and sexual health in men for years who have suffered a decline in both.

There are other Physicians who are aware of this as well.

I have taken .25 mg of Cabergoline twice a week and my libido has increased significantly as well as orgasm intensity.

As long as Prolactin stays at a healthy level with this low dose and the man sees the same subjective effects than all the power to them!

Remember, Cabergoline is a Dopamine agonist which is why libido is increased and why orgasm intensity so increased.

A man needs blood work to determine if they are indicated for this therapy first and foremost...but like I said, there are some of the greatest minds who prescribe this therapy with great success in there men.
Withdrew the post and moved to new thread under THYROID, DHEA, PROLACTIN, PREGNENLONE AND MORE.
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Metoclopramide is the generic name for Reglan, a drug used when patients with diabetes have a GI track that stops moving food through.

Ive been on a 6 week course of 5mg Reglan to try and treat my low Prolactin. I have test results pending in about 5 days but subjective feeling is negative improvement in libido. Pending those results will discuss if stronger 10mg dosage is worth trying with Dr Saya. I believe I'm the only low Prolactin patient he has.
Ive been on a 6 week course of 5mg Reglan to try and treat my low Prolactin. I have test results pending in about 5 days but subjective feeling is negative improvement in libido. Pending those results will discuss if stronger 10mg dosage is worth trying with Dr Saya. I believe I'm the only low Prolactin patient he has.

Sorry for necro posting, but has your low prolactin resolved? I am interested as my prolactin level tested at 4.8 (4.0 - 15.2 ng/ml), and I have my consult with Dr. Saya later this month.
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I would like to know the consensus on what is an optimal prolactin level? I am at 11ng/ml myself and considered adding the liquid Caber, titrating up from a drop or two to start. My experience with liq Arimidex has been good, I can take doses as low as 1/40th of an ml with just 1 drop. I am interested in the Caber because my libido is still mediocre.
Sorry for necro posting, but has your low prolactin resolved? I am interested as my prolactin level tested at 4.8 (4.0 - 15.2 ng/ml), and I have my consult with Dr. Saya later this month.

I know I had a test while using 5mg Reglan daily and got a Prolactin of 11 and that was up from 4 or 5 previously. I felt nothing from it...nothing at all so I stopped using the Reglan. I then tried going the other way, lower, with .25mg liquid-Caber (research chem) E3.5D and didn't experience anythign to speak of with that either and stopped using Caber after about 4 weeks.
I had 17 prolactin, started .125mg caber twice a week. Lowered prolactin to 5. Noticed more morning wood. Libido is hit or miss. I am trying to keep track in a journal to see if it has anything to do with dosing schedule.

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