
  1. D

    Loss of Upper and Lower Body Strength

    Good day all, I recently noticed that my general strength upper & lower body is way down. Tried changing a spare wheel the other day and legs were trembling. Need advise on how to get a boost. Fyi - History of Low T, Insulin resistance Vit D Deficiency. Thanks Alex
  2. C

    Anyone ever experience....

    Been on low to average dose test-e since June of this year. Weekly injections 90-100mg. Felt great for the first few months. Libido increased, energy, clarity, over all sense of well-being. The last couple of months have not been as great. Feeling worse than before trt. I'm getting this strange...
  3. B

    Muscle weakness and joint pain.

    Hello, I used To be a avid bodybuilder now on trt (20mg daily test enanthate no ai). A symptom I’ve been dealing with for awhile is muscle weakness and joint pain. My muscles are fatigued easily (they burn right away from exertion) and my muscle contractions are poor (there soft even when...
  4. D

    TRT, Weakness, Low Energy, and Dopamine?

    Sorry in advance for the long post. I want to be thorough. I have been on TRT for 8 weeks through Defy. Defy says my recent follw-up labs are perfect. I am experiencing no libido, poor sexual response, no drive or motivation, poor mood (apathy or emotional flatness), general weakness, and lack...