
  1. R

    Multi dosage vials ?

    I’m thinking about going to every day injections since my shbg is really low around 8-10. and I know buying daily 1ml vials can be expensive I think right now on EOD it’s about 50$ every two weeks right now . So my question is do we (USA) have multi dosage vials of like 10mls where I can draw my...
  2. J

    Are empty sterile vials ordered online safe?

    I live in Europe and I can only get glass ampoules of 250 mg test-e or sustanon in the pharmacy. I don’t like the idea of preloading syringes for multiple days because of the benzene alcohol eating at the rubber plunger or the medication absorbing EDC’s in the plastic. To split my dose I’d...
  3. J

    Unexpected Fallout of Covid-19 Crisis

    Everyone is hoping a vaccine will soon be available to prevent Covid-19. But one unexpected result that may lead to problems for men on this forum is that the vaccine will require a great number of stoppered vials to hold it and this may lead to a shortage of vials for testosterone. The article...
  4. R

    Rubber particles.

    ¿Qué piensan de esto en viales multidosis
  5. A

    Testosterone vials from ampules

    I don't know if that's the correct section, so feel free to move it if not. T enanthate comes into glass ampules in Europe, not vials. Since I started today on a T only daily protocol, I would like to transfer the ampules content in a glass vial like this one...