venous leak

  1. J

    Pharma/Hermal treatment for ED

    Hi Folks, I have venous leak, confirmed. Doctor suggested surgery to fix it but they said no point as it might occur again. So i am trying to find solution using pills. I can take 50mg viagra n can have normal sex but get headache n cant enjoy sex So i am currently on arginine, pyconogel, horny...
  2. D

    New member - pre TRT blood test results

    Could I get some advice/suggestions on my blood Test results? I got the first test done in July 2019 through (UK) and a few repeat tests in Nov 2019 through my GP (GP said everything looks normal). These were done fasted at 9am Symptoms -Low/Loss of Libido -ED (weaker...
  3. J

    How to Fix Venous Leak to Improve ED

    I tell you I am set to start trt in August because of many other symptoms, anxiety, depression, lack of sex drive, 317ng/dl t levels, lower sperm loads, tired and forgetful, brain fog, dick not as hard, I still get morning wood but it's not that nice rager boner, losing muscle mass but not sure...
  4. D

    TRT and venous leak

    Are there any guys on this forum who are on TRT and dealing with a venous leak at the same time? I'd be interested in hearing your experience and knowing how you judge the right TRT regimen.
  5. D

    Thinking of going back to twice weekly injections-- your thoughts? And trying to judge the right TRT regimen when you have a venous leak

    I have been on TRT for about 4-5 years now. I am thinking of going back to twice weekly injections. Have been doing once weekly for about 1.5 years now. I inject .75cc of T cyp on Mondays, take .25 mg of anastrozole on Tuesday or Wednesday, then .1mg anastrozole on Friday and Sunday. When I...