
  1. V

    Canada UGL cialis/viagra, best results you had : Syn vs Deus vs olympiagold

    Canada UGL cialis/viagra, best results you had : Syn vs Deus vs olympiagold Which one had the best result for you ? To this day all i tried was syn pharma 5mg cialis. And yeah.. its wayyy less potent than generic 5mg cialis from pharmacy. (but the generic one from pharmacy is 10 times more...
  2. R

    Can I tell my TRT Clinic that I use UGL stuff?

    I source my TRT and HGH from a UGL but I want to use a well-known TRT clinic spoken about here for lab work only. I am ok with doing & paying for the consultation and follow-up appointments with the docs so that’s not an issue. But I don’t want to buy my HRT thru the clinic. I want to stick...
  3. W

    Coming off trt?

    Been on ugl 150mg Test E per week for 5 years. I started at age 26 after seeing the results of only one blood test. Total T was ~450 ng/dL. See attached. The reason I went on T was for mental health. I wanted to be more confident and to reduce social anxiety. I should have done way more blood...
  4. T

    Pharma grade quality T in the Netherlands or Europe without rx

    Hi Guys, I was wondering how you can get pharma grade quality testosterone in the Netherlands or Europe when your gp/doctor or specialist don't want to prescribe you T for TRT cause your T levels are considered in the normal ranges while having (all) symptoms of low T. Any compounding pharmacy...
  5. 0

    Is My Expired HCG?

    Hello all, Im about to start trt and the HCG I have acquired is out of date by a couple of months. It's still in its powdered form. My Brother is saying that it is still good to use however it just won't be as strong. Are there any risks to using expired hcg?? I've googled it and a lot of...