
  1. D

    How Accurate Is The Online Tru-T Free Test. Calculator?

    After putting in my Total T(633 ng/dL measured at trough), SHBG(39.10 nmol/L), and Albumin(4.73 gr/dL) numbers from blood tests into the Tru-T Free Test Calculator, are my Free T numbers normal?: 0.93 nMol/L or, 26.95 ng/dL. I am currently dosing daily of 5mg test. Cyp. mixed with 4mg. test...
  2. D

    Daily Low Dose T cyp/prop results

    The formula, courtesy of @Cataceous 4:3 ratio of T cyp to T prop. 6mg/day testosterone, about 8mg combined with ester weights 7 parts 4/7 *6mg=3.43mg/.7= 4.9mg cypionate @ 200mg/ml = .025ml 3/7 *6mg=2.57mg/.837= 3.07mg proprionate @ 100mg/ml = .031ml Total dose .056ml or 5.6 units U100...