
  1. R

    Has anyone tried triptorelin?

    I have had secondary hypogonadism for the past 10 years. I did not realize what is was until now. I tried HCG and test but i still have dead dick. Im wondering if its too late to fix my HPA Axis, im 36 years old. I have full impotence, I cannot maintain or achieve an erection, viagra does not...
  2. J

    SERM "PCT" Alternatives

    I'm strongly considering getting off TRT after being on 1.5 years and worsening my health tremendously. Since I'm suffering from an abundance of low E2 symptoms which I would probably exacerbate majorly if I were to use SERMs. Are there any other good alternatives? Anything that antagonizes...
  3. J

    Triptorelin to Restore HPTA

    Triptorelin is used clinically to produce castration by suppressing LH and FSH, being agonistic but constant stimulation produces the opposite effect. It has been claimed that a single dose of 100 mcg would be fine to restore HPTA. I would like to have some input on this...
  4. A

    Perfect PCT, no hurry (from Germany)

    Hello together, About me: I am 30y old and used AAS for 6 years (cold on/off, PCT, blast and cruise). I already thought I knew what I am doing, but the more I read the more I unterstand you can never know enough. My first cycle was dumb because of a friend, 8 weeks Epistane, no PCT. I think at...