tri mix

  1. W

    Trimix and sleep disruption

    I've noticed that even with smaller doses, e.g. 5 units, Trimix will heavily disrupt my sleep for about three nights. I will wake up in the middle of the night and can feel what seems like elevated blood pressure. If I am on my side I can hear the blood rushing through my veins. It's not...
  2. B

    BiMix / TriMix injection technique ??

    So I'm fairly new to TriMix / BiMix use. Only use it for "recreational" sex. I have read, watched videos, etc., on injection techniques. There seems to be varying opinions on it. What I have currently bern doing is taking hold of my penis behind the head and pulling it to stretch it. Then...
  3. R

    Tri mix injection problems

    Instructions for injecting tri mix seem to be straightforward. What none of the directions actually discuss is injecting while erect or semi erect. I have been using tri mix for months with reasonably good success. However, the last two time I have attempted injecting, serious misfires have...