
  1. S

    Topical Androsterone

    Just wondering if anyone on the forum has experience with topical androsterone? I'm looking at buying a product (Alpha Gains 1-Andro TD) that contains 100mg of androsterone per ml. I'm looking to try it for its purported mental benefits. Wikipedia claims androsterone acts as a PAM of the GABAA...
  2. T

    Homemade testogel

    Hello, is it possible to make testogel from injection oil? I’ve read on another forum people disolving testo P using DMSO and successfully getting the ester to enter topically. I don’t want to use DMSO in my gel though, read some bad stuff about that, there’s a reason why pharma grade testogel...
  3. Gianluca

    Increased bright colors perception on Pregnenolone?

    has anyone ever experienced this type of issue? every time I use a cream, bright colors perception increase substantially. When I see them, they really stand out and draw my attention, maybe a bit too much
  4. T

    Testosterone gel application sites for maximum DHT

    Hi all, Wanted to know if anyone knew this. I'm aware that likely genital skin/scrotum is richest in 5a-reductase and thus yields the most DHT from topical testosterone (gel or cream). Does anyone know which site comes after that? From what I've read the sheer amount of skin you apply on...
  5. C

    Supply Chain Issues - Need to Switch to Topical from Injections

    Six weeks ago I had to switch from enanthate to cypionate due to supply chain problems. Today I was informed by the pharmacy that they won't have either enanthate or cypionate until April 2022 and that I'd have to switch to a topical. I know in the USA, you have more supplier options. I don't...
  6. F

    Have You Tried Any Commercial Transdermal Testosterone Product?

    For reasons described here, I would like to gather information on who is using one of the commercial transdermal products. Please post feedback on your experience (successes or failures).
  7. S

    Topical minoxidil fortified with finasteride

    I’ve read the older threads on this subject but would like a little more insight from you guys. I went to the dermatologist today presenting with thinning hair on my crown. After reading all of the studies I could find regarding Propecia—the oral form of the drug—I realized that the pill wasn’t...
  8. E


    Is topi-clicker accurate? Sometimes one click sends out more or less cream than other clicks, doesn't feel consistent. Anyone else notices? What's the best way to measure cream then?
  9. keithc2485

    does spraying alcohol on application site after drying help absorbtion ?

    for androgel after it dries does anyone know if it would make a difference to spray the area with alcohol and get all the dried glaze wet again ? it crossed my mind, has n e one done this b4? if so let me know your thoughts thanks :cool: Scruffy