
  1. phalloguy100

    Getting sleepy after T-cyp injections?

    I was on Androgel until last year, when it seemingly stopped absorbing so i was switched to compounded cream. Well, it worked great for two weeks, but then it wouldn't absorb consistently either. So the doctor switched me to T-Cyp in grapeseed oil, which I started last week. I'm now doing T-cyp...
  2. B

    Having a rough time since I lowered my Test dose....

    I lowered my dose from 120mg (was on for over a year) slowly down to 90mg a week over a few months, just recently (2 weeks ago) split it into 3 times a week MWF 30 mgs per. SInce then I feel more emotional, depressed, anxious, my nipples are really sore, I am more TIRED and ACHY all over...
  3. T

    Tired and holding water

    Hi Guys, I started on trt in April and have been adjusting then doses to a final of 100 of test cyp at 2 shots of 50 a week every 3.5 days, to shots a week of Hcg at 500 each and a half mg of arimidex a week. All of my numbers are good my rbc, hemocrat, and hemoglobin, have all leveled out...
  4. M

    Tiredness on TRT

    I take test cyp, 200mg every 10 days IM. My PCP prescribes me. I have been exhausted lately, he took blood work and testosterone was 1500 5 days after last shot. He doesn’t check estrogen, but all other labs were normal. Can my testosterone being this high affect my energy levels? He has...
  5. M

    4 weeks into TRT, feeling worse/mood crashes.

    Hey folks, I’ve been on 100mg Test-C 1x/wk for 4 weeks now. For the first 2-3 weeks I was feeling great overall, sense of wellbeing was way up, energetic, more motivated in the gym... just really doing well. The last couple of days have been... not that. I take my Test-C Thursday evening or...
  6. C

    Falling asleep almost immediately after injection

    Sleepy to the point of falling asleep at my desk almost immediately after getting injection - 160 per week. Couple days later feel fine. Any ideas why so tired right after injection??
  7. J

    Testosterone shots and gel usage together

    I read an article about a Dr prescribed gel and shots, with the idea that the gel would provide a quick pick up. Can't find the article. Has anyone tried this? I'm on .30 ml of 200mg test cypinate 3x weekly, 350 iu of hcg 3x weekly and .25mg of ai 3x weekly. 48yo.last lab results(3 months ago)...
  8. G

    High-Dose Niacin: A Cautionary Tale

    High-dose Niacin was generally considered very beneficial before about 2010 but then fell into a bit of disfavor without much credible change in the science. I have been watching the evidence for a long time and it seems incomplete but generally positive. I have tried niacin on and off without...