Androgens and Female Sexual Function and Dysfunction—Findings From the Fourth International Consultation of Sexual Medicine
The literature supports an important role for androgens in female sexual function. There is no blood androgen level below which women can be classified as having androgen...
Allison Woodworth speaks about the facts and misconceptions of testosterone in women. Email her at [email protected] for more information on how to get your testosterone tested and how to improve it if you are diagnosed testosterone deficient.
Two randomized controlled trials examined the effect of testosterone on postmenopausal women with HSDD. One trial randomized 272 women ages 40 to 70 years to a 300-mcg transdermal testosterone patch (TTP; 142 women) or placebo (130 women).=177490#bib1']1 At 6 months, women using the TTP reported...
Testosterone replacement is not only for men. Women need it as much as men for the same reasons: To increase lean body mass, sex drive, and mental focus. The ovaries and adrenals produce testosterone in women at about a tenth of the blood levels found in men. But as women age, their testosterone...
By Nelson Vergel
Author of "Testosterone: A Man's Guide"
There is so much confusion about the use of hormones in pre and post menopausal women, especially after the largest study ever undertaken using two female hormones was halted due to increased incidence of breast cancer in women. I...