testosterone side effects

  1. Nelson Vergel

    Understanding Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Managing Side Effects

    Introduction Hello everybody, Nelson Vergel here with ExcelMail.com. ExcelMail.com is a four-year-old forum, online site, with more than 14,000 members. Some of them are doctors, pharmacists, dietitians, exercise trainers, nurses, and many educated men from all over the world. So join us...
  2. Nelson Vergel

    TRT Side Effects: How to Prevent or Reverse Them

    This video discusses testosterone replacement therapy and its side effects. It covers various side effects such as high blood pressure, testicular shrinkage, fertility issues, and increased hematocrit levels. It also dispels myths about liver issues, prostate cancer, and heart disease risks...
  3. B

    High Estrogen causing side effects

    I am havng issues with sore joints and oveall aches, plus extremely tired, shakey, can;t sleep very well, (sore nipples) my e2 runs on the high side and I just reduced my testosterone dose a month ago due to being plenty high. I suspect my E2 is now high and needs to catch up to the lower test...
  4. Nelson Vergel

    Effectiveness of TRT in hypogonadal patients and its controversial adverse impact on the cardiovascular system

    REVIEW ARTICLE Effectiveness of testosterone therapy in hypogonadal patients and its controversial adverse impact on the...
  5. E

    Lowering Test Dosage

    I've been on HRT now for almost 6 years at a weekly dose of 200mg (cypionate). Up until about a 1.5 years ago my total T would average around the 800 mark. I switched to daily injections 1.5 years ago and my last 3 blood tests have my T levels at 1100-1200. Since I'm over 1000, I think I would...
  6. E

    Constipation on TRT + HCG + Tamoxifen

    Hello, I recently started Testosterone and HCG about two months ago. After experiencing some symptoms of high estrogen we added in anastrozole and tomaxiphen. I am also on armour for my thryoid (see below for full regimen). Ever since starting the testosterone and HCG I seem to be experiencing...
  7. Nelson Vergel

    Nelson Vergel Speaks to Paul Burguess from the UK about Testosterone Therapy in the UK and the US

    I enjoyed this interview with Paul Burguess from the UK. His site is www.athleticnutrition.tv
  8. Nelson Vergel

    ExcelMale.com Debunks Misleading Testosterone Study

    A restrospective study published this week on the Journal of American Medical Association concluded that testosterone may increase the risk of cardiovascular problems in men with a history of heart disease. This study performed at the Venteran's Administration hospital sysmtem cautioned that men...
  9. Nelson Vergel

    ExcelMale.com Debunks Misleading Study That Linked TRT to Heart Attacks

    A restrospective study published this week on the Journal of American Medical Association concluded that testosterone may increase the risk of cardiovascular problems in men with a history of heart disease. This study performed at the Venteran's Administration hospital sysmtem cautioned that men...