Hi guys,
Sorry for the second thread but I felt I needed to separate both of my enquiries.
I have LH and FSH AND Test in the low end of the normal range.
LH: 1.04 (1-10)
FSH: 3 (2-10)
Test: 4 (2-12)
I heard that since my prolactin levels are normal, and I have no visual disturbances, I don...
Looking to start treatment as feeling ruff.
Got sustanon from pharmacy.
What do you think about my numbers?
In good shape, eat good, workouts sucks though as with such numbers i get no recovery, wake up tired, brain fog, bone health, sex drive, libido and some ed. Nore symptoms but that be...
I am 62, have been using topical testo gel more than 20 years, nightly up until recently.
Sadly, I am ignorant of when the gel should be expected to best "kick in" after application.
I do resistance training 2 x / week, always at night (not limber enough during the day). I apply testo just...