testosterone -mood-behavior and quality of life

  1. B

    Should I start TRT? Low lh, fsh, low T, normal prolactin and TSH, T3, T4

    Hi guys, Sorry for the second thread but I felt I needed to separate both of my enquiries. I have LH and FSH AND Test in the low end of the normal range. LH: 1.04 (1-10) FSH: 3 (2-10) Test: 4 (2-12) I heard that since my prolactin levels are normal, and I have no visual disturbances, I don...
  2. B

    HELP: Indecisive - I think I need TRT but I want to have babies

    Hi, 32 years old male here, I did 4 tests in the past 2 years and all of them go from 200 to 350, so in the lower end of the range. I have low fsh and low lh. Enclomiphene has not resolved my symptoms. I exercise 4 times a week on average: circuit training with weights, sometimes I run...
  3. R

    Blood testing

    So While on TRT since we are using exogenous Injections we don’t need to fast before a test for testosterone or free testosterone right ? I’m not doing any lipid panels or anything
  4. T

    compounded testosterone suspension

    Anyone using it and which compounding pharmacy? Thanks.
  5. V

    Struggling with getting dialed in

    Hi there, been reading the past week or so in search of a solution to my problems listed below. - Age, 43 - Weight 284 - Height 6'1 - 22 year lifter, former competitive powerlifter - Absolutely zero libido - Fatigue, no motivation, do not find enjoyment in activities I normally would. - Feel...
  6. G

    Atypical Side Effects

    I've been experimenting with varying doses of 16-22mg EOD, after trying varying twice per week doses of 40mg-80mg. The things I've noticed with the lower doses (verified low-normal to mid range testosterone levels) are feeling more wound up (actually stimulated), OCD, health anxiety, extremely...
  7. T

    15 weeks into protocol change, still not feeling well.. advice?

    Hey guys, I'm 33 years old. Next week will be 4 months since switching my Test Cyp protocol from 160 mg/week to 80 mg every 3.5 days. HCG 3x / week. Still not stabilized - severe anxiety / moodswings - 2-3 days out of the week I will feel great, 4-5 days horrible. Energy is great, sleep is...
  8. madman

    Testosterone, Mood, Behavior and Quality of Life

    Abstract Testosterone plays a pivotal role in maintaining balance within the multi-dimensional psychological network of mood, behavior, self-perception, and perceived quality of life in men of any age. Apart from classical forms of hypogonadism, low testosterone concentrations can also be seen...